Meal Prep Cookbook for Beginners 2021

Meal Prep Cookbook for Beginners 2021


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You Are About To Learn How To Stop Relying On Unhealthy Take Outs And Start Having Delicious Healthy Homemade Food, Every Single Time By Leveraging The Power Of Meal Prepping

We are perhaps one of the busiest generations ever. Waking up before dawn to beat traffic, spending several hours commuting to work, spending hours upon hours at work (some even juggling between several jobs) and having to brace the traffic on the way home can be extremely tiring. Because of that, eating homemade foods seems like a dream for many of us.

Because of our busy schedules, we really don't have the time to prepare food at home; we would rather order take outs on our way home and consume all manner of junk, processed foods from our local stores because cooking, especially when we are already worn out after a long day's work, is a chore.

There is one thing that we all know though; take-outs are costly both directly and indirectly
  • Directly, they are costly because you have to spend money buying these daily and unfortunately, at the end of the month, if you do the math, your food budget will perhaps have been exceeded. Take outs can add up to $3000 a year or more
  • Indirectly, take outs are expensive because in most instances, they use unhealthy ingredients that slowly draw us closer to various lifestyle diseases that are very expensive to treat and live with. Think about it; medical expenses related to diabetes for instance are estimated at over $13,500 while expenses related to something like cancer can go as high as $150,000
Indeed, health is wealth

I know you are wondering; so how can you change your ways to a point where you can have homemade foods containing healthy, clean, ingredients that will save you money directly and indirectly?

The secret is in meal prepping

So what is meal prepping? How exactly do you meal prep? How does meal prepping work? What kinds of foods can you meal prep? How do you meal prep your favorite meals? And are there recipes that you can actually follow to make the entire meal prepping experience smooth and effortless?

This book will answer all these questions and more for you In it, you will learn:
  • What exactly meal prepping is as well as what it entails
  • What do you need to meal prep effectively?
  • How to choose the right foods to meal prep
  • Why you should make meal prepping a habit
  • Tips and tricks you can implement to make your meal prepping experience smooth and less frustrating
  • How to handle different ingredients to ensure they remain fresh
  • The 2 approaches to meal prepping that you can follow
  • Delicious meal prepping recipes that you can prepare for your breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snack time and dessert
  • And much more

Stop feeling helpless about your inability to stop taking unhealthy junk in the name of take outs

What are you waiting for?







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