Smart Hospitals: Technology, Talents and Transformation

Smart Hospitals: Technology, Talents and Transformation


:NT$ 520 元
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In today's world, the necessity is growing out. The Covid 19 has turned the innovation in hospitals into a need of time. But the basic question is, are we really up to the mark to modernize and digitalize the hospitals through available technology, manpower to build required infrastructure? Are we ready to accept this challenge? Do we have the required knowledge to transform our basic health care resources?From the name of the book " Smart Hospital", you can guess the hidden treasure you are going to discover in this book at the right time irrespective of your role within the health sector. The book, Smart Hospitals: Technology, Talents, and Transformation, by V.M Pala is going to be one of the best possible and practical steps towards modernizing our healthcare system, especially the hospitals to fulfill the standards of future minimum requirements including Patient centricity.This book is based on three "T" which are a baseline for this book. The author has emphasized these three "T"s. "Technology, Talents and Transformation"; these are the three basic MUST-HAVES which the author thinks is going to be a front line for creating and running a full-fledged hospital.Describing the concept of Smart Hospitals, and thinking about the new era of Digital & AI technology, the author thinks about introducing digitalization and introducing modern techniques in hospital including; modern nursing techniques, modern technologies in surgeries and operating patients, also using modern techniques in managing the healing as well as the data generated from the patients on daily basis. But the author's thoughts are not only limited to it. He has also mentioned in his book about the upgrading of the health care management system, which is a strong need of timekeeping in view of the current efficiency of the health care systems and standards around the world after the wave of COVID 19.The author has also shared the Advanced concepts of introducing block chain Technology in the Smart Hospitals, which are going to revolutionizing the era of medical terms and system transparency. Though these are some of the things which the author has deeply discussed in his book, you would find much more innovative thoughts in this timely publication. This book is going to a game-changer. I would recommend all the involved Staff, including hospital leaders, technologists, and a common man, to have a basic understanding, to read the book, and to spread the thoughts for our health benefits.







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