Remez (hints) Sonata in Two Movements for Expanded Piano

Remez (hints) Sonata in Two Movements for Expanded Piano


:NT$ 718 元
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Remez can be translated as alluded meaning (reading between the lines), in modern Hebrew it means hint. And traditionally, "remez" refers to methods such as "gezera shava" (equivalent language implying equivalent meaning) and "gematria" (word-number values).The various approaches to biblical exegesis, in either rabbinical Judaism or the interpretation of texts of the Torah, has a common name: Pardes sometimes spelled as PaRDes, an acronym of the initials of: Peshat (פְּשָׁט) - "surface" ("straight") or the literal (direct) meaning;Remez (רֶמֶז) - "hints" or the deep (allegorically: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense;Derash (דְּרַשׁ) - from Hebrew darash: "inquire" ("seek") - the comparative meaning, as found through similar occurrences in various contexts;Sod (סוֹד) - "secret" ("mystery") this is the esoteric or mystical meaning, gained through inspiration or revelation."Pardes" is said to be the root of the word: paradise.Both remez and sod, which allowed for greater speculation, became the favorite interpretive methods of the Kabbalists, Jewish mystics who flourished in Europe and Palestine during the Middle Ages and the early modern period.The two movements of this Sonata: "Gezera shava" and "Gematria" adopt the two methods of "remez" for revealing the hints (deep, allegorical, symbolic meanings of texts) and applies them to musical materials, specifically series, rows of musical entities, often rooted in but not exclusively limited to 12-tone techniques."Gezera shava", (lit. "identical phraseology") is a method of biblical exegesis whereby a similar word appearing in two different contexts is used to infer that the details of one context apply to the other. Whether a pair of words is a gezerah shavah or not is determined by rabbinic tradition."Gematria" is word-number values: as each Hebrew letter is also a number, this is simply the sum of numerical values of the letters of a word. Thus giving a hint (Remez) of a probable connection between two different words in two different contexts. An example of gematria is with: or (light) and raz (mystery). Making ground for deep philosophical search on the relationship and the complementarity at the conceptual level of light and mystery.The application areas of those two methods, "identical phraseology" (gezerah shava) and "gematria" are not sharply delimited and often overlap as it is seen in the second example above, where the number value of Aleph is used in a "gezera shava" type of "remez-search".The synthesizer part is to be either performed live or played from pre-recorded media best operated by the pianist. The sound-patch is left to the discretion of the performer. A time-evolving, pitch-shifting, pad-like sound - preset to be preferred. The patch may ideally contain wavetable data derived from piano spectrum.-Sources: wikipedia and chabad.o







定價:100 718



