The 90 Day No Equipment Workout Plan For Women: Burn Fat and Build Strength to Increase Longevity and Defy Aging With No Equipment From the Comfort of

The 90 Day No Equipment Workout Plan For Women: Burn Fat and Build Strength to Increase Longevity and Defy Aging With No Equipment From the Comfort of


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Introducing The Minimalist Approach To Achieving A Trim, Toned And Functionally Fit Body All From The Comfort Of Your Home WITHOUT Any Expensive Equipment

Are you a woman who struggles to find the time to get to the gym? Is your gym still closed due to COVID19 restrictions? Do you feel completely overwhelmed when you walk into a gym, not knowing where to start or what machines to use?

The facts are that although gyms are a great recourse to improve your fitness and body. It is purely a luxury and many of those big machines you see are not necessary when it comes to burning fat and reshaping your body.

And, in the midst of a global pandemic, going to Gym may not be a possibility for you for many months, which is why, more than ever you need a Home workout routine to reach your fitness goals.

The problem with a lot of workout programs, is that they are often complicated and ask too much of it's participants, sometimes requiring five to six hour long workouts per week

The problem first of all is it's not sustainable to keep up with leaving very little time for recovery, an important component in not only becoming fit, strong and lean but also remaining injury free.

Fitness is meant to enhance our lives not take away from it and spending countless hours working out, following programs that quite frankly are suited more to professional athletes rather than everyday people like you and me.

It's time to make fitness an enjoyable part of your life, not something you dread having to do everyday.

Which is why we advocate a minimalist approach to reshaping your body, allowing you more time to show off your results instead of being a slave to your workouts.

This workout program requires zero equipment, it can be performed anywhere regardless of space and by anyone regardless of your current fitness level. It will take you from a complete beginner with no exercise experience all the way up to a fit, functionality strong woman ready to dominate life and inspire the people around you.

No gym membership or home equipment needed, just your body and a chair will see you through to the best shape of your life.

Here's A Slither Of What's Inside...

  • Busting Through The MythsOf The Fitness Industry, Including 1 That Has Continued To Lead Women Down The Wrong Path When Transforming Their Bodies For Decades
  • An Equation To Calculate Your Own Individual Caloric Needs, Guaranteeing Results, As Well As A Simple Way To To Construct Your Meals If Your Not A Calorie Counter.
  • A Progressive Workout System Built With Exercises That Will Improve Your Everyday Movement, It Will Have You Not Only Looking Great But Moving Greater
  • Workouts That Don't Get In The Way Your Life And Other Commitments (Many Of These Workouts Are 15-20minutes In Duration But Are Far More Targeted And Effective)
  • A Shopping List With Foods That Are Not Only Delicious But Also Helps Fight Off Free Radicals (The Cause Of Aging And Illness In The Body)
  • Full Support From Both Rebekah And Michael In Our Free Private Facebook Group. (As Well As Being Able To Connect With Others On The Same Journey )

And SO Much More

Even if you've tried EVERY workout plan out there without achieving the desired outcome, this book will show you how you can finally have a body that is the envy of your friends and family without having to commit to long tedious workouts everyday.

If you're sitting there thinking nothing will work for you and that you're stuck with your current body shape forever, if you're simply sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you have made the decision to make a change it's time







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