Now I Lay Him Down To Rest: A Story To Help Children Through Grief

Now I Lay Him Down To Rest: A Story To Help Children Through Grief


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Death, much like life, presents us with choices. In this short story, Ryan McMichaels suddenly looses his father in a car accident. He did not know how he could ever play football again. Ryan's father prayed before Ryan was even born that he would have a son and he would play football. His father was so excited to be watching his son in the upcoming championship game until the knock on the door from the police officer, changed everything. Many of us are equipped to solve our problems or help others to solve theirs. This can create a powerful sense of who we are and what we can do and lay the ground work for a secure existence. However, the higher-level spiritual challenge begins when we accept the events that occur in life without being able to change them. Death is one of those things. For most, accepting the death of a parent is very difficult at any age. When faced with a sudden significant loss, it becomes very clear that the wise choice must be to accept this loss in order to go on and live life. Accepting death as a free-will choice allows us to move forward toward living life without our loved one and with a broken heart. This of course applies to losing a pet as well. The question for us to ponder is: are we going to decide to live our lives or just survive after a significant loss? It is a golden opportunity for spiritual awareness and growth.Ryan was depressed after his father's sudden death. He was lost and confused. He hated school and didn't want to play ball until he visited his father's grave and knew what his father wanted him to do. He grew up with his father saying a bedtime prayer and as he did, he parted his son's hair. When the wind suddenly kicked up and Ryan felt it in his hair, he knew clearly that his father wanted him to play that championship game. He knew he had to do it for him. Ryan chose to accept that his father was trying to tell him to please play the championship game for him. When he made that choice to believe in what he felt was true, he found some strength and courage to face his fear of how he could ever exist without his father. I have been a mental health counselor for 43 years and I have had the honor of seeing how this works. What death cannot do is weaken the connection between two souls. The impact that love leaves on the souls that it touches is permanent. When hearts open through love, lives are never the same. This permanent change cannot be altered through death, and it takes DEATH for most to understand how that works. We hold this love energy in our hearts, spirits, our minds and even our bodies. If we believe in a higher power we can accept the opportunities and gifts that are available for us to grow and learn when we need them the most. We will surprisingly learn so much about ourselves when it happens. NOW I LAY HIM DOWN TO REST, is an illustration of how Ryan found his strength and courage after his dad died, through his parents love and his Christian upbringing. It can be used as a therapeutic tool to help children and adults process the sense of loss and despair that comes from the sudden death of a loved one. I hope after reading this short story, you will open your heart and mind to accept that you can grow through painful times in life. Peace to you as you embark on your healing journey.







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