Lifestream Dreams Awakened: Twin Flame Reunion, Sovereignty Declaration, and Consciousness Ascension

Lifestream Dreams Awakened: Twin Flame Reunion, Sovereignty Declaration, and Consciousness Ascension


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Let's go back in time to go back to the future and see how these enigmatic twin flames are progressing in their reunion, sovereignty declaration, and consciousness ascension. This fascinating true-to-life sequel packed with enigmatic unusual situations, images, poetic language and lyrics backs up the previous astounding past life claims with a vast amount of varied esoteric genealogical, ontological, cosmological, and anthropological knowledge both provided and referenced in these books and elsewhere; this attests to their authenticity and veracity withstanding the test of time. In point of fact, the University of Virginia has had a whole department dedicated to this research for over 30 years with over 3,000 documented case studies. Also Dr. Michael Newton has performed past life regressions of hundreds of people. Dr. Brian Weiss has authored many books based about thousands of people he has enabled to discover who they were before and who they might be in the "future." The early followers of the ascended Master Jesus, the Christed One, taught reincarnation such as Origen, Plato, Pythagoras, and many other Greek, Egyptian and Indian scholars and philosophers including Saints Jerome and Gregory (per Rev. Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.); it is even referenced several times in the Bible as in Matthew Chapter 11 where Jesus' disciples state unequivocally that his cousin, John the Baptist, is the same person as the Old Testament prophet who never died, Elijah, who was observed as he ascended into the heavens and whisked away in a "chariot of fire."(2 Kings 2:11) Respected educated persons like founding father inventor Benjamin Franklin, philosopher Socrates, historian Josephus Flavius, author Leo Tolstoy, and other credible advanced souls believe in and prove reincarnation is an irrefutable fundamental fact of life according to renowned researcher and bestselling author, John Van Auken of the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, VA.If you have ever had d j vu feelings like you've already been or seen something before or certain events feel familiar like they have happened before to you, or you feel drawn to certain people even strangers, things, places, customs, cultures, food, occupations, or interests, or you feel like something is your predetermined destiny, or you have had recurring dreams with certain themes, people, and events, there is a reason. Now you know what it is. Please turn the pages of this book to "unlock your mind" as beloved singer Karen Carpenter sang, to open the doors of your mind and raise the shutters over your eyes to heal your body, mind, and spirit and help others to live their dreams You can truly be FREE and happy knowing you live FOREVER The author is an academic scholar, patented inventor, and honest truth seeker who went to great expense to research and verify the facts contained herein to achieve credibility, to open the eyes of the blind, enlighten the minds of the limited, and delight the hearts of all to divine love, joy, peace, abundance and freedom To the best of the author's extensive research, knowledge, and belief, based upon confirmation with subject matter experts, never before in modern history has reincarnation been proven by astrological charts (in the preceding work Vol. II) as well as other corroborating sources Psychic messages have been confirmed by legal records The truth shall set you free So live in love not fear and please research your own family history and past lives to learn, pay off karmic debts, and ascend to a higher vibration of love and light instead of the lower vibration of hate and darkness Are We One?







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