God Talks: Discovering the Best Life Hacks--EVER!

God Talks: Discovering the Best Life Hacks--EVER!


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I wrote this book as my "thank you" to God For many years of my life...well, I was an idiot I lived my life as if there was no God and that made me a fool (Ps. 14:1) I spent a lot of years spinning my spiritual and emotional wheels looking for something that could only be found in a relationship with God and His Word, the Bible. Then many years ago I came across a tiny little book of the Bible, tucked into the middle of the Old Testament called Proverbs. There is no better book of the Bible and no better person to educate you and I about living life with and without God than Proverbs and Solomon If you want to talk about relevant? This book is about as real as it comes. Tucked deep into what's called "The Wisdom Books" section of the Bible (that should give us a clue) it definitely lives up to its name. Imagine being able to get inside of the wisest person's head and know how they felt as they lived their lives with and without God...that's Proverbs It's thirty-one chapters-and it's all super-powerful stuff, but we'll only be focused on the first nine... "why," you ask? I'll get to that in a little bit. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to Jesus-by way of a guy named Solomon--so you can see for yourself the joy and peace of having a real relationship with Jesus (which is really all we're searching for anyways) and once that happens you can see that Jesus wants nothing more than to transform your life and give you power, peace, pleasure, and purpose in your life. Let me tell you something: when you recognize that Jesus can be and is a real, living, breathing person who cares deeply about you and all the stuff you're dealing with on a day to day basis, man you'll never be the same You'll want to learn more about Him. You'll start changing-for the better and you'll want to share Him with as many people as you can. You won't be able to help yourself In the following twelve chapters you will read about my heart for what I wish I would have been taught as a child, teen and college student, but alas, I had to learn it all the hard way. I was raised in a strong, bible-believing, God-worshipping home where my parents respected, honored and obeyed God, but I didn't see the same example in my church. What I saw was predominantly a bible believing, doctrine teaching, HARD church. What I saw was a lot of hypocritical miserable mean people. There was a lot of truth, but not a lot of love. There was lots of judgment and condemnation and little to no understanding, grace, discernment, and kindness.Now don't get me wrong, doctrine is important. There are lots of really great books that cover doctrine; many of them have long and crazy-scary names like "Systematic Theology." Yikes Doctrine and truth are important, but they can become an obstacle when they overshadow having a relationship with the truth-giver: Jesus I was taught all the right and wrongs, but I wasn't taught the "hows." I was never taught practical Christianity. You know; how to live life as a Christian...with wisdom--and succeed I'm sure that if this hasn't been your experience, you probably know somebody who knows what this is. This is what this book is about; this book is about breaking free from doctrine-that comes second, not first. Falling in love with Christ and understanding that He is first your Savior and then your Lord. He is first your Savior to give you freedom and secondly, He is your Lord to keep you free Listen to me when I say this to you: without a true and intimate love relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it's all JUNK The only peace, power and purpose you'll ever find is found in God; Solomon found that out...but it took him almost his whole life to come to those conclusions; and he wasted the best years of his life coming to that realization Don't do the same thing he and I did...make the decision today to come to Him. I promise, it'll be the best-and wisest decision you'll ever make.







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