Arrebatos Carnales 3 / Carnal Outbursts 3
作者:Francisco Martin Moreno
Con este libro, Francisco Mart n Moreno cierra su Trilog a Er tica de M xico. En este ltimo volume recorre los arrebatos de personajes un poco m s oscuros de la historia de M xico. Este libro contar la historia de D az Ordaz y las pasiones con la Tigresa do a Irma Serrano mientras que en las calles sucede la matanza del 68; el amor que tuvo Melchor Ocampo hacia su esposa que qued en las sombras, al tiempo que Ocampo emprend a su lucha en la Guerra de Reforma. Tambi n fisgonea por la alcoba de Venustiano Carranza, no muy agraciado para las miradas femeninas, pero s muy entregado a su amante Ernestina de la Garza Hern ndez, con quien procre cuatro hijos fuera del matrimonio. Narra tambi n el universo pervertido de la Iglesia, en especial de ese arzobispo que mandaba en la Colonia que hizo y deshizo a su antojo con maneras crueles y sangrientas, para cerrar con Felipe Carrillo Puerto, muchas veces olvidado, pero gran hombre que intent acabar con la esclavitud de los campos henequeros. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION With this book, Francisco Mart n Moreno closes his Erotic Trilogy of Mexico. In this last volume, he goes through the outbursts of the slightly darker characters in Mexico's history. This book will tell the story of D az Ordaz and his love affair with the Tigress, Irma Serrano, while the massacre of '68 takes place in the streets; the love that Melchor Ocampo had towards his wife who remained in the shadows, while Ocampo undertook his fight in the War of Reform. He also snoops around Venustiano Carranza's bedroom, not considered very handsome by the ladies, but who was very devoted to his lover Ernestina de la Garza Hern ndez, with whom he had four children out of wedlock. It also narrates the perverted universe of the Church, especially that archbishop who ruled in the Colony and who did and undid at will with his cruel and bloody ways, to close a deal with Felipe Carrillo Puerto, often forgotten, but a great man who tried to end slavery in the hay fields.