Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity


:NT$ 336 元
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"See How Easily And Cheap It Is DoTurn Your Ordinary House Into ACarbon Copy Of A Celebrity"

Stop Spending All Of Your Money Trying To Make

Your House Look Elegant. Learn To Decorate

Like A Celebrity At Only A Fraction Of The Cost

I opened up a magazine the other day and saw a picture of Faith Hill's home. The photos were amazing Her home was amazing I found myself wondering how I could get the same look in my own home without having to shell out the money she probably did for her professional designer.

As I sat and looked around my pretty boring living room, I became envious of Mrs. McGraw's floral couch, her cleverly placed centerpieces, and her tastefully arranged artwork. It made me sad that all I had was a few apples in a Tupperware bowl gracing my yard sale coffee table.

So I did what anyone would do - I went online and tried to find out how I could decorate just like the stars do. After checking out abut 10,000 Google matches, I gave up and had a sandwich instead.

Deciding to give it just one more try, I sat down again at my keyboard and asked the Internet how I could decorate like a celebrity. And then I found it The answers I needed in one convenient place: "Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity".

Once I Read The First Few Pages of This Book, I Was Hooked

I started seeing past just four walls and some beige carpet and began envisioning a living room like Madonna's, a dining room like Martha Stewart's, and a bedroom like Britney Spears After I read this book, I knew I could have the same beautiful decorating style as those famous people and still do it without spending my life savings.

After just a little bit of reading, I found out:

  • The Do's and Don'ts of interior design
  • How to get some great ideas
  • The elements of interior design
  • How to organize my ideas
  • Decorating on a budget
  • And so much more

I was positively crazy with excitement. I knew that there were some well-kept secrets out there that interior decorators would never voluntarily share with me. With this book, I didn't have to worry about that. "Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity" takes all sorts of tips and tricks from professionals and puts them into this easy to read book.

Have you ever given serious thought to the best way to arrange artwork in your home? Nope, me either. What about taking what you already have and making it look glamorous and unique? Same here

I personally have never before seen so much information in just one place Did you know that Madonna made a nursery for her new adopted son, David, in a jungle theme? She spent $22,000. You won't.

Britney Spears did her bedroom in a tropical chic motif. She spent over $10,000. You won't

I couldn't be more serious about how much information is contained in this 100 page book. And it's so easy to read and understand All you have to do is open it up once, go to the table of contents and get straight to the style or topic that interests you It's a tool that you'll use over and over and over again

Many people choose a style for decorating their home and get bored with it after a year or so. Maybe you still have that shag carpeting from the 1970's. Perhaps that avocado green refrigerator is really bothering you these days. It's OK. You'll find all of the answers you need for updating your home into a beautiful paradise right here







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