The Witch' Dream Tarot Deck

The Witch' Dream Tarot Deck


:NT$ 1606 元
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Cut Out Your tarot 78 Cards - You can choose between a small or a large format.Magic, eternal dance of opposites, of Eros and Thanatos, of Shiva and Shakti. The Universe speaks to us through images; Cups, pentacles, swords and sticks represent the elements of Nature.We are in a dream dimension, the dimension of the witch, of the shaman, of one who is able to travel between worlds, dialogue with his own Soul and Nature. Symbols, archetypes and mysteries depict Man's long journey towards the only true goal to reach on this planet "Happiness.". Without the connection with one's Soul, with Nature this is impossible. Faith, trust and abandonment. A new Tarot Deck is coming ❤Prudence, peace, silence, love, respect, trust, freedom, courage. I rely on the Universe and with his help I embark on the great journey of life to conquer the Divine within me. The book holding the "High Priestess", the "Second Arcana", is a symbol of memory, archetypes and the collective unconscious; so we are what we tell ourselves. Tarot cards tickle the imagination, so they touch the Soul, the inner part, that part that has no word; with the game of tarot cards you draw on deep meanings that come to your unconscious. These images speak for symbols and allegories, so we have a meditative tool to draw on our inner Kingdom full of irrationality and magic, no longer a slave to the mind. What you are about to browse are dreamlike images that they can sustain in times of difficulty where the need to connect with one's Soul, with one's Own Guiding Spirit, with our superior se becomes important. An inexhaustible and kind source of magic. The universe speaks to us through events and images, we learn to listen. The cards certainly do not foresee the future that is created and grows day by day with us, but they are a precious tool to find serenity and welcome the events that present themselves as Sacred, an opportunity for growth. It is the journey of the shaman, the witch, the rainbow bridge for the two worlds, the visible and the invisible. The Witch' Dream Tarot Deck is a tool for interpreting the real; Art at the service of personal growth. We can ask existential questions and stimulate our personal power, our inner wisdom, our intuition. Magic is therefore a creative tool to connect with our ancestors and ancient traditions. The intuition must be stimulated, it is our wild nature and how the fire must be fed to be lit. The "Major " Arcana represent the most important 'Secrets', the lessons, the most significant achievements. The "Smaller Arcana" tell us about events, space and time. These seventy-eight'Secrets' shape the stage where a fairy tale, a dream, takes shape. Connecting with tarot cards therefore means connecting with your own intuition. The right questions to ask tarot cards are 'How can I demonstrate my goals? With what energy I have to connect today, this month etc.. I extract a card for synchrony, an act of faith. Tarot seeds: fire, air, water and earth are what we are made of: "Spirit, mind, emotions and material. The "Magician" masteres these forces, speaks with the invisible, with the Sacred - Master the Logos is therefore the Principle -. The "Fool" closes this cycle because he knows he doesn't know and relies on a dance full of enthusiasm every time the curtain reopens; the High Priestess" is among them and makes a bridge between conscious and unconscious. Therefore, open her book. Have a nice journey With Love Lizette







定價:100 1606



