Options Trading Crash Course And Tested Strategies For Beginners: Real Life Techniques On How To Trade Options By Day Trading, Swing Trading And Short

Options Trading Crash Course And Tested Strategies For Beginners: Real Life Techniques On How To Trade Options By Day Trading, Swing Trading And Short


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THIS BOOK INCLUDES 3 MANUSCRIPTS: BOOK 1 - LEARN FAST HOW TO TRADE OPTIONS FOR A LIVINGBOOK 2 - DAY TRADING, SWING TRADING AND SHORT SELLING TECHNIQUESBOOK 3 - TOP TIPS ON VERTICAL SPREADS, IRON CONDORS AND STRADDLESIF YOU WANT TO TRADE OPTIONS, EITHER USING SWING TRADING OR DAY TRADING, BUY THIS BOOK NOW AND GET STARTED TODAY BOOK 1 COVERS;-Options in general and why should you trade Options. -What are Options pricing and Option Greeks. -What are the pros and cons of Shorts and Longs in Options-Should you Buy or Sell Options. -What is Credit Spread Options Strategy, -How to deploy Iron Condor Options Strategy, -What is Butterfly Spread Options Strategy -What are Straddle Options Strategies-What is Liquidity and why it is Important for trading Options-What are best Options Trading Resources such as tools, software, websites, books and trading video courses to utilise to become a better Options trader. What are the most common trading mistakes and how to avoid them-What are the most common trading habits, tips and tricks that wealthy traders do and utilise daily-What is the PDT rule and how you can avoid it using various methods-Should you choose a cash or a margin account, what are the differences as well as the pros and cons of eachBOOK 2 COVERS;-What are the differences between Stocks & Options trading, which one is more profitable and the pros and cons of each. -What are Option Spreads and how to trade Insurance. -What is an Options Assignment and how to avoid being assigned. -What is a Covered Call trading Strategy and how to implement it successfully. How to create your own trading Strategy that suits best your style of trading. What is Short Selling, risks associated to Short Selling & how to short sell successfully. -What are Swing Trading and Day Trading including Pros and Cons of each and which one you should apply to your strategy. -What is Beta Weighting & why you should use it. -What is Broken Wing Butterfly Option trading strategy, the pros and cons of this technique and how to deploy if effectively. -Various trading strategies you must use day to day to stay a profitable Options trader for long term. -Back testing strategies, diversification, the importance of time and volatility and how predictable the Stock Market can be. -What Dividends are, what kinds of Dividends exist, what are the pay-outs of each type, when you should buy Dividends and when you should expect Dividend payments. -Systematic and Discretionary Trading, what are the differences between each trading strategy, what are the pros and cons of each and the best way to get started with either of them.BOOK 3 COVERS;-Options trading fundamentals and how you can succeed trading Options-When you should cut your losses and what are the common psychological trading mistakes that you should be aware before making any trade. -How to Deploy Vertical Spread trading strategies-How to implement Long Vertical Spread trading strategies-How to Deploy Iron Condor trading strategies-How to implement Covered Stock trading strategies-How to Deploy Naked Short and Straddle trading strategy using Time Premium-What are Implied Volatility Options, -What are Long call Options Risks and Mitigations -What happens to Options at expiration-Options Fallacies and Massive Slips -How to trade when Stock Market Crashes -How to Trade an effective 1-Day Options Strategy -How to buy Long Options to protect Short OptionBUY THIS BOOK NOW AND GET STARTED TODAY







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