A Surprise Visit: Explore Talent

A Surprise Visit: Explore Talent


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Once again, I tried a novel that contains my idea for following a healthy lifestyle of the BCDEM (Biologic Chemistry Dynamic Energy Movements) path. To talk directly about ideas, philosophies, or paths may become tedious for some people. So, I tried to explain it in action and story. I enjoyed writing, especially when I let other prisoners read it. Their reactions were so exciting and wonderful. I didn't expect such support and commitment.I wanted to say the life gets a significant meaning with giving-love, without any expectation.The resistance to following any path can certainly Increase our talents and abilities. We are stewardship and angel of the divine in all dimensions. So, we can do whatsoever we try.Sometimes I felt I wanted to write more magically, but I finally prevented myself from going so far.I believe my readers will enjoy this different story in which the concept is very new and quite different from another novel.Anyone who reads this story will start to change many attitudes and habits toward a healthy BCDEM lifestyle.It was a lovely morning; the sun shines morning. I felt a strange wave through me with an excellent sense that makes me more vivant.I studied some international news articles on the internet, and suddenly I heard somebody was knocking at the door. I didn't expect anyone, and I choose this campus to be more alone with myself. I opened the door, and I saw responsible for the campus with two incredibly attractive and beautiful girls who carried some suitcases, he managed a bitter smile and fast said: "as we have already talked since you entered, this dormitory belongs to girls' students. We haven't any available single room at this moment for you. Unfortunately, I didn't find any chance for you, so either you stay with somebody until we find a single room or transfer you to another campus, which is approximately thirty Km far from here. Still, there are three transport buses per day here, and you can choose anyone to participate in your study program."I listened to him with all my attention without talking any word or interrupting him. He continued: "Now they want to put their stuff here in this room, so you should prepare yourself in a few hours to be delivered. I am going to bring other beds for them. I'll come back." Then he left and let them to entry also helped them to carry their suitcases; one of them slid her hand and said: "Hi, my name is Anne." I immediately interrupted her, smiled: "Hi, please don't tell yourname, your surname, or, from where you come? What is your origin? In which faculty that you study? How old are you? Let me nominate you by my consciousness."And stopped, it made them shock by all this identification method."You mean we shouldn't know your name in this case. How can we call each other?""By our hearts, by our senses, not by conditional frame and verge."With huge curiosity, the other asked"What do you want to call us now?"She was blond, middle height, thin, lovely, and beautiful.I mumbled: "at this moment, I can call by the influence of your appearance, and I can call you a marvelous-gift." She laughed with pleasure "interesting, what about her?"The other girl's hair was brown, her eyes also, an oval face, slim full breasts, lovely and gorgeous, I said: "Magnific-gift, because both of you are splendid, impressive in appearance very fine, superb, sublime without any exaggerating"They both pleased me too because one more time I tried to be positive for making people happy, they glanced at each other Magnific-gift with a quick, witty manner and a joyful voice said: "let me nominate you, magical man." I replied bluntly, "it is not possible, with this name, you push me to be magical. It is not nature. The name should be natural and concern to the person without any influences or involvement. For example, I did not say to you nicely because it is a character adjecti







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