All the Questions in the Bible- By category: Discover Motives through Question Analyses
出版社:Lightning Source Inc
作者:Joshua a. Adebodun
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm*2.9cm (高/寬/厚)
This is what All The Questions In The Bible - By Category will help you achieve. This book will help you learn how God, Jesus, Satan and angels see man, and how man sees himself. By analyzing the list of questions in the Bible, we get to understand not just the information that is being sought but what the motives of the questioners are. This is important because every question is asked for a reason and understanding this reason is as important as understanding the question itself and the answer to it.
All The Questions In The Bible - By Category will help the reader:- To know how to handle things relating to motive as they engage with people that either ask questions for God, Satan, Others, or Self.
- To discover new insight on God's word, as they study and analyze these questions in their categories.
- To know how to walk through each crisis of faith without giving up on God.
What we understand from the Bible is still very much applicable today. God is still God; He has not changed. Satan cannot change nor repent from causing revolt. Human beings, according to the flesh, are still what we have been since the time of the first Adam. Angels remain the messengers of God. Therefore, as we study the questions listed in the Bible in their categories, we will discover greater and hidden motives of the enquirer. This is possible because the documented questions in the Bible are not by chance; they reveal things about the motive of the querier. For instance, Satan asks the first question recorded in the Bible and his aim is to sow seeds of doubt to disrupt the flow of human relationship with God (Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Gen 3:1). From this, we realize that Satan's motive is to bring separation between man and God.
The first question between God and man is a question of fellowship (And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? Gen 3:9). This reveals how deeply God cares about our fellowship with Him. The first question between Jesus Christ (the Ideal Man) and God also centered on fellowship with the Father (My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Mat 27:46). The first question between man and God is a defense against a lack of fellowship and not being willing to take responsibility for others (And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? Gen 4:9). We can see that relationships form the crux of all human endeavors and understanding the motive of others will help us greatly in our dealings with them.
I have listed all the questions in the Bible in categories to help us learn how God, Satan, angels and others view humanity. There are 18 categories including Satan and Man, Jesus and God, Jesus and Man, Man and God, Man and Jesus, Man and Angel, Man and himself, Man and Man, God and angel, God and Satan, God and Man, Angel and Angel, Angel and Man, and so forth. Studying and analyzing Bible questions according to these 18 categories helps us to discover hidden motives.
All The Questions In The Bible - By Category is invaluable for both personal or group study to help engage believers' minds on the realities of their walk with Christ leading them to the fruitfulness found in spiritual maturity. I strongly believe that studying and analyzing these Biblical questions in their respective category will help us discover motives of the enquirer. Use All The Questions In The Bible - By Category to uncover the motives of the inquirer... For no man has ever lived without being asked at least a question.