A Safe Place: A walk with self discovery - Journalling therapy to support grounding and mediative activities to support finding your

A Safe Place: A walk with self discovery - Journalling therapy to support grounding and mediative activities to support finding your


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A Safe Place -

A walk with self discovery - Grounding therapy and mediative activities to support finding your own safe space.

Log 'Safe space activities' in this full colour journal.

Safe Place Imagery For Wellbeing

Our brains can sometimes be intricate and cause us issues, this could be the effects of every day life, trauma, elevated stress or even just an active imagination that you find difficult to switch off. Safe place image therapy is a standard exercise for trauma therapy, but it can help you refocus and feel calmer in every day life, finding a safe place and supporting you to feel calmer and help retrain your brain and take a step back and regain a sense of peace and calm.

Feeling safe is integral to being a human, and this is not always the world we live in today. Life is busy, life can drag our emotions down and we can find ourselves on edge or anxious.

This book is full of imagery to help support you on this journey. It walks you through using safe place imagery and, through guided prompts, delves into working on the aspects the image that support a feeling of wellbeing and calmness and brining back a sense of equilibrium to your mind, body and soul. Before you start, go to a place that is comfortable to you, this could be sitting, standing, lying down, it could be out in nature, or at the park watching your children play. Take this book, a pen, and any other materials that you see fit.

The process

1.Relax, shoulders back, open your chest fully and breathe slowly, purposefully and rhythmic, then smile gently.

2.Once you feel settled, choose any 'Safe place image' in this book and look at it for a minute or two, taking in the scene and appreciating it. You may go to a few different images before you settle on one that feels right for you today, and that's fine. If in doing this you feel your mindset losing its relaxation state, return to step one and repeat.

3.Look at the image and identify what it is, what your thought processes are, what colours, shapes and sounds are present at forefront of your thought process as a result of the imagery.

4.Engage fully with the image for the whole minute or two and allow your feelings and emotions to respond to the image.

5.Slowly, allow yourself to re-ground, move your toes, logs, torso, arms, head and slowly bring focus back to your surroundings.

6.Now become reflective and work through the guided prompts on each image to further investigate your 'Safe place image'.

7. Return to the book as a reflective tool at times when you feel you need a sense of calm, wellbeing and grounding brought back into your life.







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