Raspberry PI 4 Guide for Beginners: The Perfect Step by Step Manual or Handbook for Beginners to Master Raspberry PI 4

Raspberry PI 4 Guide for Beginners: The Perfect Step by Step Manual or Handbook for Beginners to Master Raspberry PI 4


:NT$ 528 元
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The Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is the latest version of the low-cost Raspberry Pi computer. The Pi isn't like your typical device; in its cheapest form it doesn't have a case, and is simply a credit-card sized electronic board -- of the type you might find inside a PC or laptop, but much smaller. The Raspberry Pi 4 can do a surprising amount. Amateur tech enthusiasts use Pi boards as media centers, file servers, retro games consoles, routers, and network-level ad-blockers, for starters. A user guide is very important since it will give you all information and also guideline to use any device and this Raspberry PI 4 manual has been specifically designed to help you understand the functions and features of your computer. This Includes a setup guide, expansion, tips, experiences and troubleshooting information to help you get the best out of it.Here is a preview of what you will learn: IntroductionSummary of the Raspberry Pi4 featuresHow to set up Raspberry Pi 4What you need to set up Raspberry Pi 4Connect the Keyboard, mouse and Monitor cablesSet up Raspberry Pi OS: RasbianConnecting to the InternetSetting up the soundSetting the Audio outputNot getting sound via HDMIInstalling SoftwareUpdating your PiConfiguring your PiAccessing your filesUsing the terminalHow to set up Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi 4What you need to install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4Installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 4Qualitative review of Raspberry Pi 4A Tiny Single Board SystemA Gigabit EthernetMore PowerRaspberry Pi commandsGeneral CommandsFile and Directory CommandsSystem Information CommandsNavigating the Raspberry Pi's SoftwareThe Kernel of an Operating systemGetting AroundUsing the Desktop EnvironmentShutdown + Reboot from GUIUsing the File ManagerUsing the Command-Line InterfaceTake a ScreenshotSudo, Root and PermissionsThe Directory TreeTerms in a Directory treeGetting Around and Creating FilesMore Useful Command-line stuffProgramming basics using PythonWhat is Python?Running Python programsGetting the Data TypeSetting the Data TypeWhat are iterators in Python?OutputWorking of loop for IteratorsBuilding Custom IteratorsRaspberry pi 4 ProjectsRobot antennaHow the Light in Antenna worksIoT Smart Garage Door Opener using Raspberry Pi 4Flask setup in Raspberry Pi for controlling the Garage DoorAstronaut Reaction Time GuideTo grab a copy, simply scroll to the top of this page and click the buy now button







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