Job Hunting Revolution: C.V Branding

Job Hunting Revolution: C.V Branding


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Dear Job Hunter, Thank you for taking this Job Hunting Revolution journey with me. I want to be upfront with my motivation and my vision with this work. I want to help my country.My goal here is to help reduce unemployment to the barest minimum and I mean it, but not in the way you might first think. When I say 'I', it really means 'we'. I know quite sure that I cannot face the task all alone, I believe strongly in teamwork. So we are going to do it together. We must join our hands together to push unemployment out of our lives, and out of our country.I know that might seem a bit generic because everybody talks about change. Ask the Human Resource Officer who exchanges employment letters for money, s/he will talk change; turn to the corridor of power, what you will hear is change. What of the teaming youths, who are instrumental to the ......, change is the common language.Change to me, as per employment market, means availability of jobs for the job seekers, it means the candidates knowing what to do and what not to say at job interview, it means candidates stop photocopying CVs, knowing what a value added CV is; it means shifting our interest away from money and placing much value on what you have to offer the employer.To me, a drastic reduction in the unemployment rate is our collective responsibility, both the employers and employees; the teachers and the parents; the government and the governed. Can a single individual bring about this change? Can government alone solve the problem of unemployment? Can we suggest our Institutions of learning close shop to stop producing graduates so as to reduce the demand for jobs? I guess, if I am on the same side with you, the answers are emphatic No No No How can the government solve the problem of unemployment....? Sincerely, I do not have a straight answer, and I do not intent to border my brain on one. We are the government, I mean you and I. The dirty truth here is that no government will come and knock on your door and give you job. You must take your destiny into your hands and put God in charge.Government...? No You and I are the solution; we are the change that we desire. I am an apostle of "little drops of water make a mighty ocean". Hence, I believe if I can help a few number of job hunters to secure good employment, I have cut down the size of our unemployed youths by a certain number. This is the reason for this Job Hunting Revolution.I do not have a company where I can employ people, and my father is neither Dangote that I can beg to create more jobs for people. In short, I do not have fish to start giving out. One thing I know, that I have determined to share with as many job hunters as possible that are willing to step out of their comfort zones in search of job, is HOW TO FISH. That is what this volume of Job Hunting Revolution is going to teach you. It will take you deep into the interview aspect of job hunting. Just take your time to read through and digest - step out of your comfort zone and take action.To your job hunting success, I am Your RightVision Coach, Tolu Ogunye







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