Multiples, Factors, GCD, LCM: 11000 Solved Problems in Elementary Number Theory to Improve your Multiplication and Division Skills

Multiples, Factors, GCD, LCM: 11000 Solved Problems in Elementary Number Theory to Improve your Multiplication and Division Skills


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The World Runs on NumbersNumbers are very important, and the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are crucial for many daily life tasks.This book focuses on a few important applications of multiplication and division.Factors and multiples are two closely related concepts in mathematics that have puzzled many elementary students over the years; many of us never mastered these concepts in school, and struggle consequently, when we encounter these later in life.This book will remove all those problems, and give you a thorough grounding in factors, multiples, Lowest Common Multiples, and Greatest Common Divisions.The book is divided into many different parts, one dedicated to each of the concepts above (in addition to sections on Remainders and Quotients). Each section starts with a refresher course in all the theory you need to tackle the concept to which that section is dedicated. It then goes on to a number of practice problems. Should you need the detailed solutions, those are available as well.The book ends with a large number of challenge problems in these concepts - once you feel that your basics are firmly in place, you should go on and challenge yourself, to see if you can replicate your success with larger numbers, and more involved problems and concepts. If you were able to absorb all that you needed to from the first few chapters that gave you the theory and solved problems that you needed, you will have absolutely no problem when it comes to the challenge section, even though you may take a little longer to come up with the correct answers.Factors and multiples have many applications in the modern world, from cryptography and bitcoin, to many applications that ensure the security and integrity of our personal data online. Understanding how these work is essential to understanding many concepts of new technology that pervade our world today.The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who find numbers fascinating, and those who find numbers a necessary evil.Regardless of which of these categories you fall in, you will need numbers to a small extent, or to a large extent.Basic Arithmetic is largely about factors, multiples, and prime numbers. After one learns the four basic operations, one moves to applications of multiplication and division - chief among which are the subject of this book.Within the pages of this book, you can find all the facts relating to Factors, Multiples, GCD, LCM, and Prime Numbers in one place. You can also find thousands of practice problems, so that you can sharpen the skills you learn in the theory section, and develop both speed and accuracy. 700+ pages, 10000+ practice exercises - you will never run out Almost anyone can use this book: if you are someone who is young and is just starting out, it's a good place to learn the basics. If you are someone who has forgotten a large part of what they had learnt about factors and multiples, you can find everything you need here. Finally, if you have feared mathematics for a long time, but are taking the first steps towards banishing your phobia, I commend you, and assure you that this book will help you.Let's get started. Have fun







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