Tarot For Beginners

Tarot For Beginners


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Tarot For Beginners will teach you the history behind Tarot Cards and the Symbolism represented in the decks. It doesn't matter if you're an absolute beginner or if you're looking to reconnect to the Tarot that you've known before. There are methods provided to teach you how to not only read the cards as you encounter them, but also to make intuitive interpretations of each card individually as well as in their relation to the rest of the deck...

Tarot Cards have been used for over 500 years, for gameplay, divination, creative inspiration and spiritual practice. The practice of reading Tarot comes with a rich, complex history, full of mystical, philosophical, and religious mystery. As old as the art form may be, its popularity in modern culture is growing rapidly- Tarot decks and cartomancy play a significant role in many present-day metaphysical healing practices, spiritual training, as well as artistic and creative circles. No matter the reason you are drawn to the Tarot, with the information in this book, you can easily learn how to read and use the cards

Foundations in the Art of Divination

Tarot can be thought of as a kind of language through which we can hear and understand divine messages. This communication comes through the individual cards and through the symbolic system of the deck as a whole. Tarot for Beginners sets you up to learn this language with a thorough grounding in the key concepts surrounding the Tarot, including:

  • The origins and evolution of the Tarot as a divinatory art

  • A comprehensive overview of the Major, Minor, and Court Arcana

  • Tips for choosing your first deck and getting acquainted with your cards

  • Beginner tips and exercises for interpreting the cards

  • Instructions for the basic 3-card spread and the 10-card Celtic Cross, two of the most widely-used spreads in contemporary Tarot

  • A step-by-step process for conducting Tarot readings

  • Advice on reading the cards for yourself

  • Core meanings of each card in the standard Tarot deck

The art of Tarot takes time and experience to master, and your willingness to study the cards, practice reading, and hone your intuition will be key to your development as a Tarot reader. Let Tarot for Beginners put you on solid footing for your Tarot journey

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