Climate Chaos II: How Natural Cycles Eclipse Manmade Impacts

Climate Chaos II: How Natural Cycles Eclipse Manmade Impacts


:NT$ 600 元
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This book looks at the history of climate change, not just the last 100 years, but the last 4.5 billion years and how the planet and its life have experienced every conceivable climate from an ice free planet with forests at the poles to a nearly frozen Snowball Earth. We will see that actually we are in the middle of a series of ice ages already two million years long, and that soon the ice will inevitably return. The curious thing is that all these many cycles of climate occurred long before humans came on the scene. But the media continuously tell us that we are doomed. Forests will burn. Droughts will parch the land. Apocalyptic storms will ravage the planet and the seas will rise in a great flood. Starvation, disease, war, death will stalk us all ! All this apparently is because of the wicked lifestyle of westerners who ride in 4 X 4s and travel to far off places in jet aircraft, and yes, eat meat! It is the wrath of God ! We are told that there is a 'scientific consensus' about all this, and besides, the BBC and geriatric TV naturalists and child saints have confirmed it. Surely governments would not damage the lives of their own people with huge increases in energy costs if it was not true? Actually they would. If you do not believe me read this book. We will show that CO2 is just one player in the climate game and in fact a minor player. More important are natural cycles in the atmosphere and oceans on many time periods. It is accepted that the ice ages are driven by changes in the orbit and tilt of the earth's axis and by long, slow variations in the output of the Sun and that these processes act over tens of thousands of years. But we will show that other related processes in the dynamics of our planetary system also act on much shorter times scales, affecting the output of the Sun itself, the dynamics of the Earth-Moon system, earthquakes and volcanic activity AND our planet's weather...AND climate. We examine the mathematical spectral 'fingerprints' of dozens of weather times series, some 9,000 years long, and compare them with the 'fingerprints' of solar activity and the orbital dynamics of the planets. The matches are so good we must convict the Sun and the planets of the crime of driving climate change. To convince the reader we also examine more conventional evidence from respectable physicists who choose to follow observational data rather than the dozens of over simplistic climate models which have failed to predict what has happened to climate over the last two decades. There is no consensus among these models and now the Intergovernmental Policy Committee on Climate declines to even give a value for how much CO2 increase affects climate. The IPCC 'emperor' has no clothes on and we must point this out to governments who do not understand how science should work: facts trump theory or computer models.







定價:100 600



