Understanding Faith
出版社:Independently published
作者:Kehinde Okewole
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm*0.9cm (高/寬/厚)
Faith is an all-important subject that really cannot be over-emphasized. The aim of this book is to provide the reader an understanding into the foundational truths of this all important kingdom mystery by which we must live. However, faith like many other important doctrines of scripture has not been properly understood. There have been some misconception and misunderstanding about this subject leading many to error and frustration. God did not make faith to be complex.Sadly, the average Christian knows little about the subject of faith- which by all counts is a primary and foundational doctrine of scripture. Any attempt to define and explain faith by the average Christian will most likely be a hazy and inconclusive analysis of this mystery. This ought not to be. This book is written to fill in this knowledge gap. In addition, a major focus of this book is to explain to the reader how to use the faith he has- that is because every believer has faith. One of the most profound scriptures on the subject of faith is found in Luke 17:5-6.The apostles asked the Lord to increase their faith. One would have expected that the Lord would increase their faith as they had asked, bearing in mind that more than a few times he had rebuked them for their doubt and unbelief. But the Lord answered entirely differently. He said if they had faith as little as a mustard seed, they will say to the sycamine tree, "Be uprooted!", and it will obey". By the Lord's response, it is apparent then that to Him, it definitely was not a matter of faith size first- whether they had little or great. Faith size was not the His major emphasis here. Two points for discussion jumps out from this.First, the apostles were not remotely aware of what they had- that is, they were not aware of the kind of faith they had or what it could do- its potential and power. They didn't know that a mustard-seed sized faith can uproot a tree. Second, they didn't know how to use or operate their faith and it would have done them no good even if they had an increase. It's just like someone who doesn't know how to farm or plant. No matter how much seed he gets he won't be able to make much of it. The disciples were focused on a faith increase. But as Jesus implicitly taught, the emphasis must be to know what this faith can do, and how this faith can be operated. In fact, the only way faith can effectively grow is by use.In Understanding Faith, we discuss and dissect the two points expressed here among others. We look to know the source, power, potential and dynamics of this faith that the believer has, and then we must learn how to operate and use this faith. This is what this book aims to achieve with the reader. I pray that as you read the pages of this book your eyes will be open to see deep truths from God's Word, which will result in a change in your mindset and an overall and effective transformation of your life in Jesus Christ name. Amen!