¡Somos Gemelas pero No Somos Idénticas! / We Are Twins but We Are Not Identical!
出版社:Lightning Source Inc
作者:Massiel Zaragoza
規格:25.4cm*20.3cm*0.6cm (高/寬/厚)
We are twins, but we are NOT identical! is an endearing story of twin sisters who are just as different on the inside as they are on the outside. Because they are twins, many of the people they meet expect them to be exactly the same, but they set out to prove that they are both unique in their own way. Despite their differences, the twins are tied together by their mixed heritage, their family values and their love for one another.
We are twins, but we are NOT identical is a book that explores cultural nuances and personal identities. Children will enjoy the whimsical tone of the book. Parents and teachers can use this story as an opportunity to start conversations with their children about cultural identities.
Somos gemelas, pero NO somos id幯ticas! es una historia enanta de hermanas gemelas que son tan diferentes por dentro como por fuera. Debido a que son gemelos, muchas de las personas que conocen esperan que sean exactamente iguales, pero ellas se proponen demostrar que son icas, a su manera. A pesar de sus diferencias, las gemelas est嫕 unidas por su herencia mixta, sus valores familiares y su amor mutuo.
Somos gemelas, pero NO somos id幯ticas es un libro que explora los matices culturales y las identidades personales. Los ni隳s disfrutar嫕 el tono caprichoso del libro. Los padres y maestros pueden usar esta historia como una oportunidad para iniciar conversaciones con sus hijos sobre identidades culturales.