Losing Liberty: A sequel to 'Yearning for Liberty'

Losing Liberty: A sequel to 'Yearning for Liberty'


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This book was far, far too easy to write!
The book is a sequel to my earlier book Yearning for Liberty, not a political book - neither Democrat/Republican nor Liberal/Conservative, but a survey of history centered around the main character of the book - LIBERTY.

Of necessity, Losing Liberty deals with the politics and culture of our time, and names players as appropriate. It may drive you bonkers, but please try to stay with me -- .
I began Yearning for Liberty in earnest several years back. Actually, it seemed to be the culmination of a lifetime with an acceleration in recent years.
I closed out publication of Liberty just days prior to the 2020 election not knowing if, when, or how I would continue.
However, that book and the traumatic events of 2020 and early 2021 has compelled me to keep pressing on with my efforts of investigating, reporting on, and defending liberty. The 2020 year of pandemic, domestic turmoil, and violence, and the 2020 election and its aftermath of chaos compels me to pay attention to what I saw in those tumultuous months. Those events and the transition to a new administration, some early observations and thoughts on the Biden presidency bring me to where I am today - thus this book.
I started out just adding an addendum to Yearning for Liberty, but as I dug into what I saw happening, I realized there was much "fundamental transformation" of the American Republic going on. Entering the year of the pandemic, my fear and question was:
What will liberty in America look like on the other side?
As I closed out my deep look into liberty and entered into the answers that were fleshing out in this book, the answers unfolding were alarming.
I needed to write much more than a short addendum - hence this book.
In writing this book my mind goes back to those episodes I covered in Yearning for Liberty. I am reminded of the extreme rarity of liberty throughout history and everywhere around the globe. I am reminded of the unspeakable horrors visited on people in the absence of liberty. We live in a very small slice of that liberty. As you are reading this book, you can use my previous book as a gauge for the stakes involved. The loss of liberty, historically and in current times, has been catastrophic for those who fall under the rule of dictators of whatever strip. My sincere hope and prayer is that this book will help America avoid those horrors of single party rule.
The bulk of this work is a collection of articles and snippets of articles which greatly outweigh my own narrative. My sources are predominantly from right of center and conservative sources - I view them as 'Constitutional' sources. This bias on my part comes from the observation that the "watchmen on the wall" scanning for dangers to liberty are predominantly on the right of center, while those contributing to the demise of liberty are predominantly on the cultural and political left.
As I moved along in this project, I was amazed at the breadth and depth of the accumulating evidence pointing to a loss of liberty in the United States of America. This picture of the loss of liberty - liberty gained, expanded, and secured through much struggle across the entire spectrum of American history - is truly disheartening. And this loss of Liberty in the political and Constitutional arena spills over in fundamental changes to the American culture at large, such as deliberate attempts to destroy foundational societal bedrocks such as family, gender, racial relations. Scan through the Table of Contents to see the scene unfolding before us as a nation.
This book should not have been so easy to write. Examples I have chronicled should be rare in a Constitutional Republic such as ours. But they are there in abundance! They are there in plain sight! They continue to unfold!







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