Global Changes and Sustainable Development in Asian Emerging Market Economies Vol. 1: Proceedings of Edesus 2019

Global Changes and Sustainable Development in Asian Emerging Market Economies Vol. 1: Proceedings of Edesus 2019


:NT$ 12759 元
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Chapter1. Valuing Heritage as A Public Good: An Application of Zonal Travel Cost Method (ZTCM) in Hoi An, Vietnam.- Chapter2. The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Commitment - The Case of Viettel Group.- Chapter3. Impacts of Economic Freedom on Economic Growth in Developing Countries.- Chapter4. The Effect of Government Size on Economic Growth and Technical Change.- Chapter5. Assessing Effects of FDI on Economic Growth via Impact on Domestic Firms in Vietnam.- Chapter6. The Kien Nguyen. Analysis the Factors Affecting Satisfaction of the Quality of Seafood Logistics in Vietnam.- Chapter7. Fight against Counterfeit Goods Related to IP Infringement: Criminal Perspective and Judiciary Role in Vietnam.- Chapter8. Vietnam and "Non-market economy" in the U.S Anti-dumping Law.- Chapter9. An Analysis of Supply Response of Black Tiger Shrimp Production Using Nerlove Model: A Case Study of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.- Chapter10. Highly-Skilled Migration, Recognition and Motivation towards Knowledge Share with the Indigenous Co-Workers: Empirical Findings from the Vietnamese in the Laos Construction Sector.- Chapter11. Is Public Debt Good or Bad for Economic Growth? Fresh Evidence in Emerging Economies.- Chapter12. Factors Affecting Depositors' Behavior at commercial Banks in Northern Vietnam.- Chapter13. Determining the Impact of Financial Development on the Environment based on Biquadratic Equation in ASEAN Countries.- Chapter14. A Study on the Factors Affecting Intention Using Online Banking Services in Vietnam.- Chapter15. The Research on Interpolation Methods and Fitting Models for the Lorenz Curve.- Chapter16. Analyze the Differences in the Impact of FDI and Exports on Labor Productivity of Enterprises: the case of Vietnam.- Chapter17. A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Career Orientation for Students: A Case Study in Human Resource Management.- Chapter18. Downstream Market Equilibrium and Optimal Policy for the Conventional Food Distribution System in Vietnam: An Industrial Organization Analysis.- Chapter19. Compensation Policies and Employee Perceptions of Pay Equity in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Vietnamese State-Owned Enterprises.- Chapter20. Sustainable Agriculture for Hanoi City: An Application of Then's Agricultural Rings based on the Gravity Model.- Chapter21. Building a New Management Model for Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions based on the Made in Vietnam Lean Management.- Chapter22. Key Factor in the Made in Vietnam Lean Decision Making Method.- Chapter23. Empirical Research on the Influence Factors of Ecommerce Adoption among Ecommerce Companies in Vietnam.- Chapter24. Antecedents of Social Media Adoption: A Case Study of Individual Online Retailers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.- Chapter25. Contribution of Industry to Labor Productivity Growth in Vietnam.- Chapter26. Improving the Competitiveness for Enterprises in Brand Recognition Based on Machine Learning Approach.- Chapter27. The Role of Official Development Assistance on the Development of Economic Infrastructure in Vietnam.-Chapter28. Relationship between Organizational and Employee Work Innovation: Mediation Role of Brand Support Behavior and Psychological Capital (Hotels in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam).- Chapter29. Improving the Managerial Performance in the Context of Financial Autonomy: An empirical investigation in public education sector.- Chapter30. The Strategy of Vietnamese Business Associations in Knowledge Sharing for the Sustainable Development of Vietnam Businesses Community.- Chapter31. Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Activity in Vietnam.- Chapter32. A Comparative Analysis of Market Definition in Antitrust Law and WTO Law: Some Suggestions for Vietnam.- Chapter33. Website Marketing Activities in Healthcare Service Sector - A Case in Danang, Vietnam.- Chapter34. Valuing tourism landscapes in Ba Vi National Park (Vietnam).- Chapter35. An Empirical Analysis of the Factors I







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