Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism

Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism


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Chapter 1:

Nutrition and Metabolism: Foundations for Animal Growth, Development, Reproduction, and Health

Guoyao Wu

Chapter 2:

Insights into the Regulation of Implantation and Placentation in Humans, Rodents, Sheep, and Pigs

Claire Stenhouse, Heewon Seo, Guoyao Wu, Gregory A. Johnson, and Fuller W. Bazer

Chapter 3:

A Role for Fructose Metabolism in Development of Sheep and Pig Conceptuses

Robyn M. Moses, Avery C. Kramer, Heewon Seo, Guoyao Wu, Gregory A. Johnson, and Fuller W. Bazer

Chapter 4:

Nutritional Regulation of Embryonic Survival, Growth and Development Lawrence P. Reynolds, Kyle J. McLean, Kacie L. McCarthy, Wellison J.S. Diniz, Ana Clara B. Menezes, J. Chris Forcherio, Ronald R. Scott, Alison K. Ward, Carl R. Dahlen, and Joel S. Caton

Chapter 5:

Phosphate, Calcium, and Vitamin D: Key Regulators of Fetal and Placental Development in Mammals

Claire Stenhouse, Larry J. Suva, Dana Gaddy, Guoyao Wu, and Fuller W. Bazer

Chapter 6:

Nutritional and Physiological Regulation of Water Transport in the Conceptus

Cui Zhu, Zongyong Jiang, Gregory A. Johnson, Fuller W. Bazer, and Guoyao Wu

Chapter 7:

Amino Acids in Microbial Metabolism and Function

Zhaolai Dai, Zhenlong Wu, Weiyun Zhu, and Guoyao Wu

Chapter 8:

Potential Replacements for Antibiotic Growth Promoters in Poultry: Interactions at the Gut Level and their Impact on Host Immunity

Christina L. Swaggerty, Cristiano Bortoluzzi, Annah Lee, Cinthia Eyng, Gabriela Dal Pont, and Michael H. Kogut

Chapter 9:

Microbiomes in the Intestine of Developing Pigs: Implications for Nutrition and Health

Chunlong Mu, Yu Pi, Chuanjian Zhang, and Weiyun Zhu

Chapter 10:

L-Arginine Nutrition and Metabolism in Ruminants

Guoyao Wu, Fuller W. Bazer, M. Cary Satterfield, Kyler R. Gilbreath, Erin A. Posey, and Yuxiang Sun

Chapter 11:

Hepatic Glucose Metabolism and Its Disorders in Fish

Xinyu Li, Tao Han, Shixuan Zheng, and Guoyao Wu

Chapter 12:

Protein-Sourced Feedstuffs for Aquatic Animals

Sichao Jia, Xinyu Li, Wenliang He, and Guoyao Wu

Chapter 13:

Functional Molecules of Intestinal Mucosal Products in Animal Nutrition and Health

Peng Li and Guoyao Wu

Chapter 14:

Use of Genome Editing Techniques to Produce Transgenic Farm Animals

Alayna N. Hay, Kayla Farrell, Caroline M. Leeth, and Kiho Lee

Chapter 15:

Cows as Bioreactors for the Production of Nutritionally and Biomedically Significant Proteins

Monzani PS, Adona PR, Long SA, and Wheeler MB

Chapter 16:

Use of Agriculturally Important Animals as Models in Biomedical Research

Brandon I. Smith and Kristen E. Govoni

Chapter 17:

Pigs (Sus Scrofa) in Biomedical Research








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