The Prayer Life of Joshua

The Prayer Life of Joshua


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In the midst of the mixed multitudes who now attend churches and the increasing moral decadence in our churches and the larger society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify a true Christian. However, in unmistakable terms, the Bible tells us who a Christian is and who he is not.
In Acts 11:26, the bible says, "...And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." From this scripture, we see that a Christian is not that man who just got baptised, attends church programmes regularly, pays his tithes and gives offering faithfully. Neither is he one who occupies an important position in the church - no matter how spiritual or 'unspiritual' that position is. The bible says, "... the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." Therefore, only disciples can be called Christians.
As I studied the scriptures over these many years, I have come to learn that one is both a disciple and a Christian, or one is neither a disciple nor a Christian. There can be no middle line between the two. I know Jesus has many admirers... indeed, many are the over zealous churchgoers (some who claim to be born again) who daily throng our churches, but disciples are few. A disciple is one who does what Jesus says and does what Jesus does. He is one who has decided to deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The taking up of the Cross is the true mark of a Christian life. The Cross distinguishes a 'mere follower' from a 'true disciple'.
It is however possible to carry the cross and follow Jesus without first denying self. The 'cross-life' is that principle which makes a Christian prefer to suffer for the sake of righteousness, rather than compromise his faith. As a man privileged by God's grace and mercy to preach and teach the gospel across the Nations, I have observed and learnt, that this principle of life which was the bedrock of the faith of our fathers, is almost completely eroded from our churches today. All over the world, the Church appears to have abandoned the 'cross-life', as a principle for daily living. We now practice a religion that promotes 'self' rather than 'denies self'.
This kind of religion was once called "a cross-less Christianity". A Christianity that permits the promotion of self, worldliness, hypocrisy and other forms of sin under the banner of grace. The teaching of discipleship under which the principle of self-denial is usually taught, has also been abandoned. As a result, there is a new generation of believers (including pastors), who know nothing about discipleship as God's principle for conforming a man to the image of Christ.
This produced our burden for the prior Radio messages which have been developed into this book. It is one of the many series of books we have written on discipleship.
Dear Reader, if while reading this book, you would want to make an observation, we would be glad if you could notify us. Such observations or errors that are found to be genuine will be reflected in our next edition and we humbly accept full responsibility for this work.
With great faith and much humility of heart, this work is presented to the Body of Christ. It is our belief that those who care to read, study and do what is in it, will be ultimately transformed into the image of Christ.
Peace onto the Israel of God!







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