The Mindset of Greatness

The Mindset of Greatness


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The mind is the intellect; it is man's sensibilities and will. It is the part of a man that reasons and thinks; it deals with the mental realm of existence. With the mind, man reacts to his environment and issues pertaining to life. This could be the reason why it can have a total hold of man, especially when it has to do with the emotions. The Bible clearly states that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. This is empirically right in that what the mind conceives it produces. We are therefore a product of our minds. The Bible records that a man is as he thinks in his heart. The heart is used in place of the mind in the Biblical context. It implies that the heart and the mind are synonymous and can be interchangeably used.

We are a product of our mindset. How do I mean? Whatever your mind agrees or decides to do is exactly what it displays through your actions. You must, therefore, allow your mind to think on good things and meditate on profitable things. This is because whatsoever one's mind settles with is what becomes of the person. In other words, if your mind says you will make it, then you will definitely make it. The reason is because once the mind has welcomed the idea, you will begin to work towards actualizing success. In the same line, you become a nobody when your mind has consented to it.

There's a slogan that says, "You can only take a horse to the stream but cannot force it to drink from the stream." This shows that one may never excel, progress or be great if his or her mind does not settle with the idea. You must conceive the idea, meditate on it, speak it to yourself, allow your emotions to digest it, visualize it and work in that direction. Don't just anticipate; confess and believe it until you become it. When there is a willingness to execute that dream and you work towards achieving it, then be sure it becomes feasible.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" Romans 12:1-2.

Naturally, the mind needs constant renewal and transformation to think on godly things. This is the only way that a man can take part in the unique plans of God for his life.

The world is a biased place where all forms of evil abound in the heart of men. I believe this was the reason why Paul the Apostle wrote to the Christians in Rome not to conform to the pattern of the world. Until the mind is renewed, it cannot fathom the purpose of God for its existence. This is because the mind is always occupied with ungodly passions and imaginations, which prevent it from thinking positive.

The word "renewing" implies a transforming change. The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "renewal" as "an act of resumption," "to reestablish after an interruption" or "giving fresh life or strength." This means that the mind is captivated by worldly thoughts, evil or ill imaginations, and satanic control and influence.

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