Local Governance in the New Urban Agenda

Local Governance in the New Urban Agenda


:NT$ 10439 元
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Chapter 1. Local Governance in the New Urban Agenda: An Introduction (Carlos Nunes Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal).- Part 1. Local Government Institutional Reforms.- Chapter 2. Local Governance Cultures in Comparative Perspective: Decentralization Reforms in Lusophone Countries (Carlos Nunes Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal).- Chapter 3. Changing Paradigm of Local Governance in Hungary (Ilona P嫮n?Kov塶s, Hungarian Academy of Science, University of P嶰s, Hungary).- Chapter 4. Division of Public Tasks Between the State and Local Government: Case of Hungary After the Reform (Laszlo Kakai, University of P嶰s, Hungary).- Chapter 5. Exemplarily National Urban Policy in the Shadow of the New Local Government Model Characterized by Nationalization in Hungary (Edit Somly鏚y-Pfeil, Sz嶰henyi Istv嫕 University, Hungary).- Part 2. Metropolitan and Intermunicipal Governance Challenges.- Chapter 6. Interrogating the Metropolitan Question Beyond the Institutional Interpretation. Three Research Directions (Simonetta Armondi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy).- Chapter 7. Metropolitan Governance in Post-Socialism: Searching for a Theoretical Model (Lukasz Mikula, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).- Chapter 8. Institution of Urban Agglomeration of Zagreb as a Tool for Sustainable Management of Spatial Development (Jadranka Veselic Bruvo, City Bureau for Physical Planning, City of Zagreb, Croatia).- Chapter 9. Collaborative Governance Under Siege: The Uncertain Prospects for Inter-Municipal Associations ('Mancomunidades') in Spain (Tony Gore, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom).- Chapter 10. The 2016-2018 Milanese Metropolitan Strategic Plan: Features and Limits of an Innovative Tool Within the Local Planning Framework (Renzo Riboldazzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy).- Chapter 11. Demographical and Economic Challenges for Largest Cities Local Governments in Hungary (Zolt嫕 Hajd? Institute for Regional Studies of Hungary Academy of Science, Hungary).- Part 3. Key Areas in the New Urban Agenda: Citizen Participation, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Cultural Heritage, Smart Mobility.- Chapter 12. Problems and Determinants of Social Participation in the Creation of Public Space (Mariusz Sienkiewicz, Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Poland).- Chapter 13. Can Citizens' Committees Play a Role in Urban Governance? Theoretic Remarks and Local Practices in the Context of the City of Rome (Maria Cristina Antonucci, National Research Council of Italy, Italy).- Chapter 14. Sidelining Sustainable Development: Structural Constraints on the Implementation of Local Sustainable Development Policies in the UK (Alan Patterson, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom).- Chapter 15. The Idea of Slow City as a Way to Sustainable Development. Perspective of Small Towns in Poland (Urszula Kaczmarek, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).- Chapter 16. Reflections of Cittaslow in Turkey and the Roles of Local Government (Fun Baykal, Ege University, Turkey).- Chapter 17. Factors Explaining Polish Local Governments' Preferences and Activities Concerning Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (Pawel Swianiewicz, University of Warsaw, Poland).- Chapter 18. The Reinforcement of the Role of the City Council as an Important Direct Democratic Stakeholder at the Municipality of Tirana (Albania) for the Implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Measures at the Territory of the City (Romeo Hanxhari, University of Tirana, Albania).- Chapter 19. Tackling Sustainability, Conservation and Growth: World Heritage Sites in a Global City (Eda Yucesoy, Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey).- Chapter 20. Governance of Cultural Heritage: The Territorial Quality Indicators Between Prevention and New Programming Perspectives (Valentina Castronuovo, University of Salento, Italy).- Chapter 21. Local Strategies of Urban Regeneration. The Case of Novara (Raffaella Afferni, Universit?del Piemonte Orientale, Italy).- Chapt







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