The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God's Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles

The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God's Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles


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The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God's Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles introduces to modern believers the most important forgotten truth of the Bible: that God's covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, was divided into two parts when Jacob married two wives, creating the House of Judah (the elder son - through Leah) and the House of Israel (the prodigal - through Rachel). Their rivalry, rejection and future reunification is actually the most central and pervasive theme of Bible prophecy, highlighted by Jesus in (but behind) the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Most modern Christians have never noticed this truth but once they seek it, a spiritual lightbulb switches on, illuminating the entire Bible like secret lines on a treasure map that spring to life under a blacklight. It is the doorway to Biblical truth and understanding beyond anything you thought possible.

Christian attorney and Bible scholar, Pastor Scott Lively J.D., Th.D., stumbled onto this hidden path of study by reading Christian books published before the modern era, and was so stunned by his discoveries that he began his own exhaustive reexamination of Bible prophecy "de novo" (from scratch) as if none of the modern teachings on eschatology had been written. He set aside all he had previously been taught, letting the Bible speak for itself while he focused on seeing and understanding its teachings from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles and the Prophets, not the Greco-Roman perspective of the 2nd Century (and following) post-Jerusalem church. Dr. Lively's decade-long effort culminated in this life-changing book: The Prodigal Son Prophecy.

No matter what views of prophecy you may bring with you as you read The Prodigal Son Prophecy you will be edified. You will learn that many of the elements of modern views are indeed true in concept, but often out of synch with the prophetic timeline. You will learn the Bible's own simple system for prophetic timekeeping, and how all the prophecies of the Bible can be easily and naturally aligned with it without resort to theological gymnastics to make the pieces fit. Best of all, your faith will be deepened and broadened as you see and understand the beauty and logic of God's amazing plan for the salvation of both of the households who share His covenant.







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