The Flames of Paradise Flower Forest

The Flames of Paradise Flower Forest


:NT$ 720 元
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Margaret Elizabeth was not of the manor born, nor was she a child of gentry, in fact, her birthright rose from the humblest of circumstances. The sisters from her dysfunctional family, spent their best effort, scheming, inflicting, or covering up their cruelties, especially from the diabolic designs of her evil sister Josette. Her father suffered an equally wicked fate at the hands of Josette and his own sister Gertrude, albeit for similar reasons of unadulterated hatred, jealousy, and class prejudice. Her father Phillip was ungraciously kicked out of the family home and out of the child's life, at the end of the plot that almost landed him in prison. Mother's preferential treatment and public display of affection did not sit well with the sisters, they merely drew a wide berth when mother was home. Lisa as she was affectionately called, may have escaped her sisters wrath when she entered into the teen years,
Being a beautiful little one, those years and beyond were punctuated by trials, and tribulations. She attracted more than her fair share of lusts, unwelcomed advances and by men of all ages, some of whom were older than her father.
Filled with rose-tinted romances and starry-eyed fantasies, her introduction to the world of men was a baptism in abject deception. Peter, her philandering friend, introduced her to eroticism and stole her innocence in the process, but their short-lived romance ended abruptly when the revealed truth crushed her fragile ego like a luckless butterfly. The reality revealed that he was as dubiously dirty as he was a slick talker who took women from the ivory tower to the gutter of rejection in zero seconds flat, she was unable to match this fountain of well-dressed lies.

The misogynistic men with whom she partnered, came with mouths full of lies, lustful desires, and after intimacy, they left her with anything ranging from a fatherless child to a cocktail of venereal diseases. Several times during her adult life, Lisa's journey took her to the precipice of destitution, but on some occasions, she was mercifully snatched from the edge of an abysmal desolation. Eventually, she woke from the nightmare, and with her boss's guidance, she was on the way to the dawn of affluence, but the journey was fraught with dangers and misfortunes. Will she, for her family's sake, eventually triumph after numerous diversions and the resulting failures, will she ultimately uncover that elusive self-made victory over many adversities. Please join her on her epic journey, only time will tell how her story unfolds.







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