Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Selected Papers of WorldS4 2021, Volume 1

Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Selected Papers of WorldS4 2021, Volume 1


:NT$ 14499 元
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App OnViolet on UV radiation skin care habits.- Identifying Key Quality Features of mHealth Applications Unsupervised Feature Selection Approach: MARS Case Study.- Implementation of e-health in Burkina Faso: a status report.- A Training Web Platform to improve Cognitive Skills for Phishing Attacks Detection.- Development of a linear model of diabetes mellitus with a PID controller and a method for automatic adjustment of the PID controller.- Financial decisions in Colombian organisations in the health sector.- Business innovation capabilities in the road infrastructure sector in the Caribbean region of Colombia.- Smart Agricultural System Using IoT.- IoT based Low Cost Automated Irrigation System for Smart Farming.- Simultaneous measurements reading from more than one MiBand 3 wristbands.- When one wireless technology is not enough: a network architecture for precision agriculture using LoRa, WIFI and LTE.- Application of Generative Adversarial Network for Designer-Assistance System.- The Research of Marco-Control Diagram of ESP Well Based on Machine Learning.- Detection System Potholes on Roads based-on Recurrent Neuronal Network.- Eduinformatics: A New Academic Field Needed in the Age of Information and Communication Technology.- Classification of Sagittal Lumbar Spine MRI for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Detection using Transfer Learning of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network.- Robust Facial-Based Inter-Beat Interval Estimation through Spectral Signature Tracking and Periodic Filtering.- Research and Application on Optimization of Drainage Gas Recovery Methods in Linxing block.- Can the Measurements of Albumin and Glucose be Correlated Each Other? A Physics-based Theory.- Hybrid 2D Theory of Outdoor Infections in Times of Global Pandemic.- Impacts of Blockchain on Digital Marketing.- A Review of Various Techniques used in the Implementation of Lane Departure and Road Detection.- Virtual Police Station System with Chat Bot using FSM.- Khon Gesture Detection with Deep Learning Algorithms.- Contribution of Robotics in Medical Applications A Literary Survey.- Development of Virtual Reality Training System Based on EEG Biofeedback.- Adapting Automatic Speech Recognition to the Radiology Domain for a Less-Resourced Language: The Case of Latvian.- Contextualization of Personal Data Discovery and Anonymization Tools.- Early Lungs Tuberculosis Detection using Deep Learning.- Localising the privacy requirement to improve the scalability issue of blockchain.- Performance analysis of Wi-Fi and LTE-LAA/LTE-U.- Blockchain Based Decentralized Electronic Voting System.- Human-robot-intermittency and -invariants.- Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms.- A Machine learning based congenital categorization approach in early recognition of breast carcinoma.- Review of Powering and Actuation in Bio-robotic Walking Orthoses.- Study of Device-To-Device Communication in the Next Generation of Wireless Communication.- Atherosclerosis Disease Prediction Based on Feature Optimization and Ensemble Classifier.- Damage Estimation of Reed Fibers during Recycling.- Sentiment Analysis in Teachers Performance Rating using Na鴳e Bayes Algorithm. The lack of focus given to ethical training in the IT Industry.- Heuristic approach to sustainable agile development with secure indicators.- Improving collaborative filtering based recommender system with season and style features.- Predicting Sentiment & Emotion on ASD using Machine learning & Deep neural networks based on Twitter data.- INCIDENCE OF DIALECTAL ACCENTS IN THE STUDENTS' LISTENING UNDERSTANDING.- Classification of Handwritten Indic Scripts using Deep Learning.- Classification of Recyclable Waste Generated in Indian Households.- A Hybrid Model on Deep Learning for the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy using Image Cropping.- Automation of Translating Unit-Level Verification Scenarios for Test Vector Generation of SoC.- Analy







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