To Tithe or Not To Tithe: Dismantling One of Christianity's Greatest Myths

To Tithe or Not To Tithe: Dismantling One of Christianity's Greatest Myths


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To Tithe or Not To Tithe: Dismantling One of Christianity's Greatest MythsYou remember that evergreen kiddies' song: JESUS loves me this I know/For the Bible tells me so/Little ones to Him belong/They are weak but He is strong/Yes, JESUS loves me/Yes, JESUS loves me/Yes, JESUS loves me/He proved it on the Cross.
That's a beautiful song to sing in times of temptation and depression. I altered the last line of the chorus, by the way, from the original 'the Bible tells me so' to pass on the message of the Cross more forcefully. The Cross is undeniable proof of God's love.
The Bible says, 'Faith comes by hearing ... the good news about Christ.'1 JESUS gave us Himself; we give because we are exactly like Christ,2 having become 'partakers of the divine nature.'3 A result of having this divine nature is that we are blessed with all kinds of blessings in the heavenlies and are kept holy by God, who has made us sons thru the atonement (redemption, forgiveness, and cleansing) of the blood of JESUS.4
This all-encompassing excess blessing hedges us in the favour of God.5 The only way to insult God and break the hedge6 is to try to earn our blessings rather than receive thru God's overflowing unmerited favour and His righteousness freely given.7
To hold the shield of faith, then, is to believe that favour flows freely to you on the credit of JESUS irrespective of you, and in Him you have all He has.8 Tithing robs you today of the blessing of preferential treatment that belongs only to the undeserving.
The law says you're cursed for not tithing9; the Spirit says you're blessed beyond the curse. Returning to the law-and tithing belongs with the law-is the highway back under the curse.10 If you believe tithing earns you God's blessings, then, sad to say, 'you have fallen from grace.'11
Don't be like that. Enjoy the six-course feast set before you. How? Believe God's goodness and mercy is always with you in overflowing measure.12
You remember that evergreen kiddies' song: JESUS loves me this I know/For the Bible tells me so/Little ones to Him belong/They are weak but He is strong/Yes, JESUS loves me/Yes, JESUS loves me/Yes, JESUS loves me/He proved it on the Cross.
That's a beautiful song to sing in times of temptation and depression. I altered the last line of the chorus, by the way, from the original 'the Bible tells me so' to pass on the message of the Cross more forcefully. The Cross is undeniable proof of God's love.
The Bible says, 'Faith comes by hearing ... the good news about Christ.'1 JESUS gave us Himself; we give because we are exactly like Christ,2 having become 'partakers of the divine nature.'3 A result of having this divine nature is that we are blessed with all kinds of blessings in the heavenlies and are kept holy by God, who has made us sons thru the atonement (redemption, forgiveness, and cleansing) of the blood of JESUS.4
This all-encompassing excess blessing hedges us in the favour of God.5 The only way to insult God and break the hedge6 is to try to earn our blessings rather than receive thru God's overflowing unmerited favour and His righteousness freely given.7
To hold the shield of faith, then, is to believe that favour flows freely to you on the credit of JESUS irrespective of you, and in Him you have all He has.8 Tithing robs you today of the blessing of preferential treatment that belongs only to the undeserving.
The law says you're cursed for not tithing9; the Spirit says you're blessed beyond the curse. Returning to the law-and tithing belongs with the law-is the highway back under the curse.10 If you believe tithing earns you God's blessings, then, sad to say, 'you have fallen from grace.'11
Don't be like that. Enjoy the six-course feast set before you. How? Believe God's goodness and mercy is always with you in overflowing measure.12

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