中國評論 The China Review, Vol. 22 No.1 Feb 2022(機構版)

中國評論 The China Review, Vol. 22 No.1 Feb 2022(機構版)


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The China Review is a continuation of China Review, an annual publication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press since 1991. It publishes twice a year in April and October since 2001 and four issues per year starting from 2018; a scholarly journal covering various disciplines of study on Greater China and its people, namely, domestic politics and international relations; society, business and economic development; modern history, the arts and cultural studies.

  • The only China-based English journal devoted to the study of Greater China and its people
  • A vigorously refereed journal with international advisory and editorial boards

Teachers, scholars, researchers, journalists and students interested in the developments of China will find this publication a comprehensive and indispensable tool.
Indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Current Geographical Publications, International Political Science Abstracts, Journal of Economic Literature, MLA International Bibliography, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Social Scisearch and Enterpreneurship Research Engine.
The China Review is also available online via ProQuest Asia Business & Reference, Project MUSE and JSTOR



Special Feature

Transforming China’s Industrial Innovation in the New Era

Kaidong Feng, Yin Li, and William Lazonick (Guest Editors)


China’s Innovative Enterprises at the Frontiers: Lessons from Indigenous Innovation in Telecom-Equipment and Semiconductor Industries

Yin Li and Kaidong Feng


Innovation in a Science-Based Sector: The Institutional Evolution behind China’s Emerging Biopharmaceutical Innovation Boom

Yu Zhou and Abigail E. Coplin


The Multiple Roles of State-Owned Enterprises in China’s Innovation System: A Case Study of High-Speed Railways

Yanghua Huang


Agile Business Development, Chinese Style: An Exploration of the Low-Speed Electric Vehicle Industry in Shandong Province, China

Yu Zou, Markus Taube, Gang Liu, and Shuanping Dai


Research Articles

China’s Cloud Governance: The Big Data Bureau and COVID-19 Crisis Management

Ruihua Lin, Hsin-Hsien Wang, and Wen-Hsuan Tsai


The Rise of Think Tanks as Institutional Involution in Post-Socialist China

Gan Li and Weiqing Song


Confucius Institute to the South Seas: A Case of Localization and Soft Power in Singapore

Zhou Xizhuang Michael


China’s Universities Go to Southeast Asia: Transnational Knowledge Transfer, Soft Power, Sharp Power

Ngeow Chow-Bing


Practicing the Cold War: What Communism Meant for Xiamen Fishermen/Women in the 1950s and 1960s

Yongming Chen and Zhiyu Zhang


The Business of Migration: Xiamen in Motion and Transformation

Ong Soon Keong


The Home as a Barometer of Society: “Practices of Intimacy” to Moderate Family Intergenerational Conflict in the 2019 Summer of Dissent

Eileen Y. H. Tsang and Jeffrey S. Wilkinson


Book Reviews

Contesting Revisionism: China, the United States, and the Transformation of International Order. By Steve Chan, Huiyun Feng, Kai He, and Weixing Hu

Yong Deng


Rethinking Chinese Politics. By Joseph Fewsmith

Gang Lin


Across the Great Divide: The Sent-Down Youth Movement in Mao’s China, 1968–1980. By Emily Honig and Xiaojian Zhao

Long Yang


The Poetics of Early Chinese Thought: How the Shijing Shaped the Chinese Philosophical Tradition. Edited by Michael Hunter

Lisa Chu Shen







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