Icol-2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Optics and Electro-Optics, Dehradun, India

Icol-2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Optics and Electro-Optics, Dehradun, India


:NT$ 12759 元
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Part 1: Invited Speakers.- Chapter 1. Trends in Manufacturing for Aspheric & Freeform Optics.- Chapter 2. Silicon Photonics-based Gas Sensors and Components for the mid-IR: Design and Modelling.- Chapter 3. Pixel reassignment in image scanning microscopy.- Chapter 4. Compact and field portable biophotonic sensors for automated cell identification (Plenary Address).- Chapter 5. Wavefront Coding with Jacobi-Fourier phase masks to alleviate random aberrations.- Chapter 6. Designing Submicron Chiral Structure through Phase Engineered Multi-Beam Interference.- Chapter 7. Advanced IR Zoom Lenses for Next Generation Thermal Imaging Applications.- Chapter 8. Advanced Infrared Photodetectors at SCD.- Chapter 9. Characteristics Of One Dimensional Photonics Structures Having Different Types Of Sequences.- CHapter 10. Deep-learning-based dynamic range compression for 3D scene hologram.- Chapter 11. Mode spectra and vortex beam sorting via digital intensity processing.- Chapter 12. Speckle-free digital holographic phase microscopy and tomography using partially spatially coherent monochromatic light with improved image sharpness, resolution and phase noise.- Chapter 13.- Biospeckle Analysis Technique: Some Recent Applications.- Chapter 14. Using Femtosecond Coherent Oscillations to unravel Dynamics.- Chapter 15. Using Femtosecond Coherent Oscillations to unravel Dynamics.- Chapter 16. Suppression of UV emission in ZnO nanorods Complex Systems.- Part 2: Adaptive Optics.- Chapter 17. Features of FPGA using in a fast adaptive optical system.- Chapter 18. Controlling the Degree of Polarization of Speckles from Birefringent Scatterer.- Part 3: Diffractive Optics.- Chapter 19. Experimental demonstration of diffraction of vector field singularities through diamond shaped aperture.- Chapter 20. Controlled generation of self-images of a Microlens array and the second harmonic Talbot effect. Chapter 21. Design of Diffractive Optical Elements for Shaping the Laser Intensity Distribution. Chapter 22. Electromagnetically induced grating in a 3-level symmetric quantum well.- Chapter 23. Axicon Aberration Generated Tunable Optical Arrays.- Chapter 24. Crafting correlation structure by interference.- Chapter 25. Design of polarization independent silicon nitride one-dimensional gratings using genetic algorithm.- Part 4: Optics & Electro-optics for Strategic Applications.- CHapter 26. Effect of Background Radiation on Laser Receiver having Large Field of View.- Chapter 27. Temperature Compensated Dynamic Strain Measurement using Twin Fiber Bragg Gratings and Tunable Laser Interrogation with Noise Cancelation.- Chapter 28. Geo High Resolution Camera An experimental eye in space - its Integration Challenges and Mitigation.- Chapter 29. Photodiode transimpedance configuration with dc compensation.- Chapter 30. Concept of Programmable Range Electro-optical Sensor.







定價:100 12759
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