Empower Yourself: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Colouring Book

Empower Yourself: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Colouring Book


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Life can be fun and meaningful. And life can be tough and scary. How can you learn to enjoy the good times and navigate through the tough times?

One solution is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). One of the fastest-growing and evidence-based therapies and training approaches in the world.

I love ACT because it's flexible, scientific, kind, compassionate, open and allows you to be creative and practice it however works for you. So one way is to colour in quotes from ACT!

You can colour in this book however you wish. You can start from the beginning and make your way through. Or you can pick a quote that resonates with you and start there.

Take your time. No need to rush. Take a deep breath and be present as you colour in. And honour any thoughts and emotions as they arise.

Wondering what quotes we have in the book? Here's a list of them all:

I Follow My Heart

I Breathe In Deeply. I Breathe Out Slowly.

I Take Small Risks To Create A Meaningful Life.

Thoughts and Feelings Are Like the Changing Weather. I'm the Sky.

What I Accept, I Transform

Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway

Pain Can Be My Teacher

I Honor my Emotions

This Too Shall Pass

I Try Something New Everyday

I Observe Feelings Come and Go like Leaves on a Stream.

Urges Rise and Fall like Waves in the Ocean. I Watch Them.

I'm the Observer of My Thoughts and Feelings.

Every Moment Matters

I Open Up to Life's Challenges.

I Am Willing to Feel my Feelings.

ACT in 3 Words: Present. Open. Engaged.

A Meaningful Life is about Living My Values

Feet on Ground. I Am Anchored.

I Breathe. I Smile. I'm Alive.

See Life From Different Perspectives.

I'm Curious About My Difficult Feelings.

Self-Care Isn't Selfish

Rain Falls. Trees Grow. Thoughts Arise.

I'm Just Colouring In Right Now. Nothing Else Matters.

Pain & Purpose. Two Sides of the Same Coin.

How Can I Be Kind To Myself Right Now?

Thoughts are just Thoughts. Action Makes the Difference.

My Values Motivate Me Daily

Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover.

The quotes have been carefully crafted following my 20 years of studying mindfulness and several years of studying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

If you enjoy colouring books and apprecite the value of mindfulness, acceptance, values and taking courageous action, then this colouring book is for you.

Here's what some people have said about our work:

Shamash Alidina has a broad and deep knowledge of Mindfulness. His teaching is welcoming, informative and delivered with kindness and compassion. He "walks the talk". Everyone has permission to have their own experience and that can be good and not so good, different moment to moment. I enjoy learning and practising with Shamash.

Shamash has inspired me to keep learning, and kept me returning to learn with him. Shamash has a sense of fun, playfulness, ease, compassion and kindness in his sessions.

Shamash is an inspirational, fun loving teacher, generous with his time and wisdom. His courses are full of valuable content and his presentation skills provide for a stimulating and uplifting learning environment. If you want to learn about mindfulness from the best and funniest teacher, you need Shamash! Highly recommended.

Really relaxing and enjoyable - There is no pressure to be/do anything. The mindful meditation is life changing. Meditation was not new to me but this approach has enabled me to actually enjoy the experience of meditation. Most importantly I have fun doing it and at last really understand self-care. Who will ever forget that 1% smile?







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