Grandes Temas de la Biblia
作者:John F. MacArthur
El autor Bestseller, John McArthur, nos instruye con su serie de sermones para poder predicar por un a隳 completo sobre los temas m嫳 importantes y fundamentales sobre grandes temas de la Biblia, en una recopilaci鏮 de 24 sus sermones con su estilo expositivo inigualable.
En esta serie aplicaciones pr塶ticas encontrar嫳:
- Secciones espec璗icas en cada serm鏮 sobre escatolog燰 y profec燰
- Personajes importantes de la Biblia
- Jes y los evangelios
- Pasajes b燢licos en los que se basa la predicaci鏮
- Bosquejo esquem嫢ico para seguir su estructura
- Notas personales al bosquejo que ayudan a ampliar y personalizar el bosquejo
- Contenido del serm鏮 con sus diferentes apartados
Thematics Sermons of MacArthur - Great Themes of the Bible
Bestselling author, John McArthur, instructs us with his sermon series to preach for a full year on the most important and fundamental topics on great themes of the Bible, in a compilation of 24 sermons with his unique expository style.
- Specific sections in each sermon on eschatology and prophecy.
- Important biblical characters
- Jesus and the Gospels
- Specific sections in each sermon
- Biblical passages on which the preaching is based.
- Schematic outline to follow the structure of the sermon
- Personal notes to the outline that help to expand and personalize the outline
- Sermon content with its different sections
Bestselling author, John McArthur, instructs us with his sermon series on how to preach for a full year on the most important and fundamental leadership topics and impact biblical knowledge and training with his unparalleled expository style.
- Great Leaders of the Old and New Testament
- Paul's teachings as an example of leadership
- Specific sections in each sermon
- Biblical passages on which the preaching is based.
- Schematic outline to follow the structure of the sermon
- Personal notes to the outline that help to expand and personalize the outline
- Sermon content with its different sections