Flying On The Inside And Reaching New Heights: The True Story Of The Wise Entrepreneur

Flying On The Inside And Reaching New Heights: The True Story Of The Wise Entrepreneur


:NT$ 672 元
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After experiencing racism and bullying as a child, Frankie Kington experimented with smoking cannabis, injecting amphetamines known as speed, and taking other drugs during his turbulent teenage years. As a young adult, he felt a sense of hopelessness which led him to smoke crack cocaine.

Despite all the challenges he faced, Frankie turned his life around and found value and a true purpose. His love of learning led him on a variety of paths before he decided to pursue his passion for mentoring and inspiring young people.

Find out how Frankie changed from a troublesome kid to a successful entrepreneur. Let him take you on his journey from addiction to enlightenment and show you how he turned his life around. Read his true story of succeeding against all the odds with its inspiring message of hope.

Frankie Kington is an entrepreneur, mentor and public speaker, known as The Wise Entrepreneur. He is passionate about helping and inspiring young people to fulfil their true potential and to avoid the mistakes he made in his youth. Frankie nurtures young people's skills and encourages them to overcome the obstacles they inevitably encounter. He empowers young people to make the most of the opportunities open to them and to realize that achieving goals and dreams is possible for everyone, no matter what background they come from or how much money they have.

He shares his own powerful story openly in the belief that it will prevent young people from getting caught up in drug abuse, alcohol addiction or violence and crime.

His mission is to empower one million young people to become inspiring entrepreneurs and thought leaders in society over the next 30 years.

Frankie is donating a proportion of the royalties from the sale of this book to the Hope Uganda Foundation, a charity that is close to his heart. It works with homeless, abandoned, abused and impoverished children and teenagers, providing them with food, accommodation and medical care. It empowers them through music, education and the development of life skills, helping them to grow into responsible adults.

Believing that music heals broken souls, Hope Uganda Foundation uses music as a tool to transform these children's lives. Music brings them together as one and helps to develop listening and teamwork skills, as well as increasing self-esteem and confidence. The charity currently helps over 500 children. It would like to help more but resources are limited. By buying this book, you will also be supporting the Hope Uganda Foundation's work in rescuing vulnerable children from difficult situations and giving them the gift of a brighter future.







定價:100 672



