Productivity is Power: 5 Liberating Practices for College Students

Productivity is Power: 5 Liberating Practices for College Students


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College is one of life's most marvelous and enriching experiences, but there's no doubt that it can be a challenge.

It's intellectually and creatively challenging, of course. (That's kind of the point!) And there's also a good chance that it's your first experience of independent living. You might also be encountering people and ideas dramatically different from those you grew up with.

Today, more than ever, there's pressure. A bad economy makes it even more important to get great grades, get great internships or work-study experiences, and to graduate with a great plan. The competition at every stage is intense, and so is the stress. And social media isn't exactly helping. Not only is it massively distracting, it's full of competitive, critical, negative, and otherwise destructive messages.

At the same time, you're probably dealing with all the "normal" productivity challenges that most people face, including procrastination, perfectionism, and time crunch.

Traditional productivity books for general audiences can help some, but what's really needed is a book that addresses college students' particular needs and productivity challenges. Productivity is Power is that book.

It will help you:

  1. Locate, understand, and overcome your barriers to productivity and success so that you can become immediately more productive, successful, and happy.
  2. Start your work on time, work steadily on it, and hand it on time. (Or early!)
  3. Work through problems and obstacles. (No procrastination or derailments!)
  4. Handle mistakes, failures, and other setbacks.
  5. Manage your time well, so that you can succeed academically while also living a healthy, happy, and balanced life. And,
  6. Work more effectively with your professors, teaching assistants, and other academic personnel.

And much more! And Productivity is Power also offers many unique, and uniquely effective, solutions, including:

  • Re-Empowerment. How to locate and remedy the specific forms of disempowerment that keep you from doing your work.
  • Compassionate Objectivity. The mindset that neutralizes perfectionism while maintaining accountability and a success orientation.
  • Timed Work Intervals, Randomization, "Dialoguing with the Critic," and other solutions to perfectionism.
  • The Joyful Dance, a highly effective work method founded on principles of personal empowerment and compassionate objectivity.
  • Values-Based Time Management, which helps you achieve not just maximum empowerment and productivity in the short term, but maximum success and happiness over the course of your career and life.
  • Many solutions for common writing and work problems including not finishing, not submitting, over-researching, constantly starting over, and avoidance (of difficult parts of the project). Also, for efficient decision-making both within and around projects.
  • Solutions for coping with criticism, rejection, and perceived failures. And,
  • Solutions for "digital distraction," online harassment, and other 21st Century obstacles to work and success.







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