Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry: From Otto Stern's Pioneering Exploits to Present-Day Feats
出版社:Springer Nature
作者:Bretislav Friedrich(EDI)
規格:23.4cm*15.6cm*3.4cm (高/寬/厚)
An homage to Otto Stern (Dudley Herschbach).- My uncle Otto Stern (Alan Templeton).- Otto Stern's trajectory (Tilman Sauer).- From theory to experiment (and back to theory)? On Otto Stern, Max Born and other physicists in the 1920s (Arne Schirrmacher).- Otto Sackur, Otto Stern, and the Beginning of the Quantum Theory of Gases (Massimiliano Badino).- From Stern's beam experiments to modern biomolecular NMR spectroscopy (Christian Griesinger).- Quantum or classical perception: The Imaging Theorem and the Ensemble Picture (John Briggs).- Reduction of the atomic wave function in the Stern--Gerlach magnetic field (Michael Devereux).- Precision experiments for the revised SI -- and the future of time (Joachim Ullrich).- Precision Physics in Penning Traps Using the Continuous Stern--Gerlach--Effect (Klaus Blaum).- Frankfurt Physicists (Michael Eckert).- Our Patrimony from Otto Stern and My Memories of Otto Frisch (Dan Kleppner).- Ultracold Chemical reactions with molecules in slow motion (Kang-Kuen Ni).- Choreographing Quantum Spin Dynamics with Light (Monika Schleier-Smith).- Stern's relation to Gerlach (Horst Schmidt--B鐼king).- Manipulation and control of molecular beams (Gerard Meijer).- Quantum effects in cold and controlled molecular dynamics (Christiane Koch).- Otto Stern and Wave--Particle Duality (Peter Toennies).- Macromolecular Matter Wave Interferometry and Talbot--Lau Deflectometry (Markus Arndt).- Rotating rotationless: nonadiabatic alignment of the helium dimer and trimer (Maksim Kunitski).- Grating Diffraction of Molecular Beams: Present Day Implementations of Otto Stern's Concept (Wieland Sch闤lkopf).- Interaction effects in ultra cold atom systems (D顤te Blume).- Laser cooling and magneto--optical trapping of molecules (Mike Tarbutt).- Microdroplet Chemistry (Dick Zare).- TBA (Manfred Faubel).- From Liquid Rays to Gas Rays: The Non--Maxwellian Evaporation of Helium from Water Microjets (Gil Nathanson).- Laser--induced rotation and alignment of molecules in helium nanodroplets (Henrik Stapelfeldt).- Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of molecules in helium nanodroplets (Mikhail Lemeshko).