Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Proceedings of ICEEE 2022, Volume 2

Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Proceedings of ICEEE 2022, Volume 2


:NT$ 17399 元
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Simulation of Single-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Non-Isolated Converter for Solar Photovoltaic System.- Intrusion Detection Based on PCA with Improved K-Means.- Small Signal Stability Improvement of Phillips Heffron model with Fuzzy based Control and its comparison with PSS.- Computer Vision Approach for Visibility Enhancement of dull images.- Tomato Leaf Diseases Detection.- Comparing Switching Losses for Automatic and Program-Based Switched Capacitor Model for Active Cell Balancing.- Control System Design for DC-link Voltage Control of Quasi- Z Source Inverter using Bode Diagram.- Design and Simulation of Single Phase and Three Phase Wireless Power Transfer in Electric Vehicle using MATLAB/Simulink.- Automatic video cut detection: A Probability based Approach.- A novel design of T shaped patch antenna integrated with AMC for WLAN applications.- Neural Network: A way to know consumer satisfaction during voice call.- Automatic Access Application of ICG and ECG Signals.- OntoSpammer: A Two-Source Ontology-Based Spam Detection using Bagging.- SAODFT: Socially Aware Ontology Driven Approach for Query Facet Generation in Text Classification.- SDPO: An Approach Towards Software Defect Prediction using Ontology Driven Intelligence.- Ubiquitous Control Structure and it's Comprehensive Application subject to Controller Performance.- PCA-based Random Forest Classifier for Speech Emotion Recognition using FFTF Features, Jitter, and Shimmer.- An Adaptive & Coordinated Traffic Signal Scheme for Greener Transport 4.0.- Transient stability analysis of IEEE 9 bus system using Modified Fourier filter algorithm.- District Level Analytical Study of Infant Malnutrition in Madhya Pradesh.- Modelling Of Microwave Absorption In Pervoskite Based Compounds Using Machine Learning Tools.- A Transparent Broadband Millimeter-Wave Absorber for Ka to V bands applications.- AC Analysis on the Modified Johnson Converter.- Heating and Cooling of Thermoelectric Module using Modified Johnson Converter.- Hate Detection for Social Media Text with User Alert System.- Dual-band Antenna Design at Sub-6 GHz and Millimeter Wave Band for 5G Application.- Bond Graph Modelling and Simulation of Active Heating/Cooling using Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Systems.- Deep Learning based Fruit Defect Detection System.- Design of 1kVA Shunt Compensator test bench.- Real time face mask detection using CNN in covid-19 aspect.- A Smart IoT based Agro-Management system using Distributed Ledger and Circular Supply Chain methodology.- A sub-multilevel topology of 7 level cascaded H-bridge inverter.- A Comparative Harmonic Suppression Analysis of Single Phase Half Bridge Grid Connected Inverter in Rotatory Frame of Reference with Integral Control Strategy.- Use of Openflow to Manage Network Devices.- Intelligent Routing Protocol For Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks.- Voltage-lift-type Z-Source Inverter.- Smart Energy Management for a Campus Network.- Design and Development of a New Cascaded Asymmetric 15-Level Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Number of Devices for Different PWM Techniques.- A Novel Deep learning based Nepali Speech Recognition.- Breast cancer detection and prediction based on conflicts in fractal patterns.- A Non-isolated Two-phase Interleaved Bidirectional Buck-Boost converter (2ph-IBDB2C) for Battery Storage Applications Storage Applications.- A comparative study of concentrated photovoltaic ther-mal-thermoelectric generator hybrid systems.- Real Time Exhaustion Detection by Image Classification Using Deep Convolution Neural Network.- A Secured BlockChain based facial recognition system for two factor authentication process.- Design of an optimised, low cost, contactless thermometer with distance compensation for rapid body temperature scanning.- Sensitivity and Performance Analysis of 10MW Solar Power Plant using MPPT Technique.- SAR reduction of Wearable antenna using multiple slots and AMC combination.- Secure Asset Trac







定價:100 17399
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