(Re-)Claiming Bodies Through Fashion and Style: Gendered Configurations in Muslim Contexts
出版社:Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
作者:Viola Thimm(EDI)
規格:21cm*14.8cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
Chapter 1: Introduction: (Re-)Claiming Bodies through Fashion and Style. Gendered Configurations in Muslim Contexts (Viola Thimm).- Part I: Modesty and Fashion: Reconfiguring Social Conditions & Identifications.- Chapter 2: Beauty East, Beauty West: Muslim Beauty in Indonesian Islamic Magazines (Diah Ariani Arimbi).- Chapter 3: "We create with our bodies an individual stage to share our Iman and beauty with the world." Practices of clothing and embodiment as identification markers among Muslims in Germany (Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf, Yasmina Shamdin).- Chapter 4: How I wear my headscarf. Narratives from young Danish Muslim women in Copenhagen (Gülzar Demir, Marie-Louise Nosch and Else Skjold).- Chapter 5: Modest Fashion and the Discourse on Intersectional Diversity (Laura Haddad).- Chapter 6: Men's Non-Fashion: Embodying Traditionality in the Gulf.- Part II: Normative Orders, Subjectivation and Counteractive Practices (Viola Thimm).- Chapter 7: The Halal Nail Polish: Religion and Body Politics in the Marketplace (畤lem Sandıkcı).- Chapter 8: Hijab as Migration: Embracing and Leaving Hijab in Contemporary Indonesia (Yulianingsih Riswan).- Chapter 9: After the hijab: Liminal states of post-veiling embodiment (Alicia Izharuddin).- Chapter 10: High heels and Rainbow Hijabs: Reclaiming the Islamic LGBTQ bodies through fashion innovations (Nancy Pathak).- Part III: Materiality, Political Discourses, and Power.- Chapter 11: The fabric of diasporic designs: wearing Panjabi suits home & away among South Asian women in Europe (Sara Bonfanti).- Chapter 12: The Materiality and Social Agency of the Malaḥfa (Mauritanian Veil) (Katherine Ann Wiley).- Chapter 13: More than a Garment: The Haīk in Morocco and Algeria as a Means of Feminist Artistic Expression and Decolonial Self-Empowerment (Isabella Schwaderer).- Chapter 14: The female body as subject of the Discourse of Power (Rhea Maria Dehn Tutosaus).