El Ambiguo Testamento / The Ambiguous Testament

El Ambiguo Testamento / The Ambiguous Testament


:NT$ 682 元
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En el principio no era el Verbo. En el principio era el silencio y Dios padec燰 un tremendo bloqueo creativo: el famoso miedo frente al Universo en blanco. Emborronaba proyectos de Creaci鏮, los arrugaba y los arrojaba al suelo. Estaba tan frustrado que sent燰 la tentaci鏮 de plagiarse una gran obra ya creada. Y quiz?lo hizo. As?est?escrito en este ambiguo y misterioso libro. Todo est?contenido en sus p墔inas: todas las criaturas, todos los instantes, todas las religiones, todos los sentimientos. Si bien el lector no encontrar?aqu?las normas para llevar una vida recta, s?hallar?las instrucciones para hacer un Big Bang.

Tambi幯 asistir?a una discusi鏮 entre Zeus, Quetzalc鏇tl y Shiva, al enfrentamiento entre el arc嫕gel Metatr鏮 y la criatura Cthulhu, a una tragicomedia de part獳ulas elementales y podr?explorar la teor燰 de que el Universo no sea otra cosa m嫳 que la reverberaci鏮 de la Gran Carcajada C鏀mica. Algunos eruditos afirman que los textos que integran El Ambiguo Testamento pertenecen al profeta Fernando Rivera Calder鏮; otros ex嶲etas aseguran que en realidad fueron escritos por diversos autores en 廧ocas distintas: un mico de rock, un conductor de televisi鏮, un actor de cabaret, un periodista, un poeta y otros autores no identificados. Tambi幯 hay quienes opinan que son la obra de una muy concurrida personalidad mtiple.


Fernando Rivera Calder鏮, Mexican writer and musician. One day, God appeared to him and asked him to write this book. And well, here it is. Any complaints, complain to God, not to the author.

In the beginning, the Word didn't exist. In the beginning there was silence and God had a tremendous creator's block, that famous fear in the face of a blank universe. He sketched creative projects, crumpled every one and threw them away. He was so frustrated, he felt tempted to plagiarize a pre-existing creation. And maybe he did. It is thus written in this ambiguous and mysterious book. These pages contain it all, every creature, every moment, every religion, every feeling. Albeit readers won't find the rules to lead a righteous life, they will find instructions to make a Big Bang happen.

Readers will also witness a discussion between Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, and Shiva; the confrontation between the archangel Metatron and the creature Cthulhu; a comedy drama of elemental particles, and they will be able to explore the theory of the universe as nothing more than the reverberance of the Great Cosmic Laugh. Some scholars state that the texts collected in The Ambiguous Testament belong to prophet Fernando Rivera Calder鏮. Other exegetes affirm they were actually written by several authors at different times--a rock musician, a TV host, a cabaret performer, a journalist, a poet, and other unidentified authors. There are also those who consider these texts to be the work of a very crowded multiple personality.







定價:100 682



