Psychology in Policy: Redefining Politics Through The Individual

Psychology in Policy: Redefining Politics Through The Individual


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Introduction: The non-partisan scientist: An illusion in the ever-making

- Chapter 1: The intersections of psychology and public policy

A large overview of where at contemporary consideration of the intersection of psychology and public policy is - at the results of large studies. However, proposes a shift towards the individual story as the true meeting of public policy. Two stories to consider: The individual who is a part of those large studies - implying a heavier consideration of idiographic methods - but also of the staffers who translate these issues to the Congressperson.

- Chapter 2: The psychology of political meaning systems

In considering both stories, this chapter examines the political influences of both. While 'science' is non-partisan (and discussion on this idea - through expansions of the methodological cycle), the partisanness of human being influences our meaning-systems to always translate science into a partisan manner.

- Chapter 3: When advice is (not) sought

Once we recognize the importance of the political meaning-systems, issues of demand come into play. The influence of what (the party) desires may at points conflict with what the facts are - and instead of advice on a given issue, instead, advise of how to fit into the prescribed meaning-system is demanded. In this way, psychology finds itself at a border - of wanting to give advice to change, yet at points, being demanded to give advice to stay the course.

- Chapter 4: Translation, transitions, and trepidation

This chapter discusses the issue of the verbiage of the ivory tower in attempting to seem smart to our colleagues, we often fail to translate the findings to those who matter. In doing so, psychology has created in itself a meaning-system, gate-kept by journals and publication metrics. In its quest for recognition, it has become unrecognizable.

- Chapter 5: The difficulties of uncertainty

Chapter 5 explores the outcome of Chapter 4 - uncertainty around any given issue. First, I discuss the value of uncertainty - in regression models, in decision making, and in social interactions. I then highlight research that examines how political identity interacts differently with uncertainty. However, for psychology to have its impact - it is exactly here at the moment of uncertainty that similarities across political groups can be found.

- Chapter 6: The difficulties of application

Chapter 6 deals with the issue of uncertainty by considering a re-embracement of qualitative methods and community psychology research. By looking at the individual story as a method of application, we find ways to reconsider where policy can affect the lives of others the best, and remember that policymakers are also people too.

- Conclusion: Psychology's desire to make a significant impact

The conclusion focuses itself on the theoretical advancements made in the book, discussing issues of political meaning-systems and re-centering the arena under which policy takes place - away from the politicians and towards the staffers and public servants who work (too hard) to understand the science behind it all. In the end, it is the story of the individual - the tangible experience - that drives policy. Recommendations for researchers who wish to engage in such work is provided.







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