Industry 4.0: Exploring the Consequences of Climate Change

Industry 4.0: Exploring the Consequences of Climate Change


:NT$ 9000 元
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Part I. Energy sphere in Industry 4.0.- Chapter 1. Growth of energy consumption during automatization of production, distribution, and consumption in Industry 4.0.- Chapter 2. Energy crisis management in Industry 4.0.- Chapter 3. Renewable energy and evaluation of its applicability in Industry 4.0.- Chapter 4. Alternative sources of energy and perspectives of their development in Industry 4.0.- Chapter 5. Consequences of Industry 4.0 for the energy sphere in modern Russia.-Part II. Pollution of environment in Industry 4.0.- Chapter 6. Increase of production and consumption waste in the course of economic growth and digital modernization.- Chapter 7. Perspectives of decrease of production waste in the circular model of development of Industry 4.0.- Chapter 8. "Smart" consumption and its consequences for environment pollution.- Chapter 9. Environment pollution in Industry 4.0 in Russia's regional economy: linear practices vs. circular initiatives.- Chapter 10. Macro-level consequences of digitization of the Russian economy for production waste and climate change.- Part III. Ecological consequences of growth and development of Industry 4.0.- Chapter 11. Consequences of transition to Industry 4.0 for economy's resource efficiency: the specifics of developed and developing countries.- Chapter 12. Ecological consequences of development of "smart" productions in countries that implement the resource models of economic growth.- Chapter 13. Post-industrial economies on the path to Industry 4.0: consequences for fighting climate change.- Chapter 14. Consumer society in Industry 4.0: mass needs and individual limitations, dictates by the digital society, based on ecological responsibility.- Chapter 15. Ecological consequences of transition to Industry 4.0 for Russia: economic growth vs. environment protection.- Part IV. Industry 4.0 as an alternative to fighting climate change.- Chapter 16. Competition between "green" projects and projects in the sphere of Industry 4.0 in the global investments markets.- Chapter 17. Limited opportunities of financing of national projects in the sphere of Industry 4.0 and fighting climate change in the conditions of deficit of budget assets.- Chapter 18. Competition between initiatives of international organizations for supporting the practices of transition to Industry 4.0 and the practices of fighting climate change.- Chapter 19. Investment and innovative decisions of corporate structures during making a choice between transition to Industry 4.0 and "green" production.- Chapter 20. The alternative character of national projects in the sphere of Industry 4.0 and fighting climate change in modern Russia.- Part V. A systemic view at consequences of Industry 4.0 for climate change.- Chapter 21. The anthropogenic scenario of development of the global economy based on Industry 4.0: consequences for climate change.- Chapter 22. Scenario of moderate digitization of the global economy based on Industry 4.0 and delayed climate change fighting.- Chapter 23. Scenario of well-balanced development of Industry 4.0 and "green" economy in the global economy.- Chapter 24. Scenario analysis of the consequences of Industry 4.0 for climate change in modern Russia.- Chapter 25. The concept of limiting the negative influence of Industry 4.0 on environment in Russia.







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