From Polarisation to Multispecies Relationships: Re-Generation of the Commons in the Era of Mass Extinctions

From Polarisation to Multispecies Relationships: Re-Generation of the Commons in the Era of Mass Extinctions


:NT$ 9279 元
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Section 1: Rethinking Human Security and Resilience as Vulnerable Multispecies Relationships.- Chapter 1: communication and culture: a multispecies endeavour: recognising kinship with multiple species.- Chapter 2: Pandemic in South Africa: reflections on lock down.- Chapter 3: From old to new taxonomies of rights, relationships and responsibilities to protect habitat.- Chapter 4: Interview: Recognising our Hybridity and interconnectedness'.- Chapter 5: Consciousness for Balancing Individualism and Collectivism.- Chapter 6: Prospects for sustainable development linked to a focus on interrelatedness, interdependence and mutuality: Some African perspectives.- Chapter 7: Habitat loss and near extinction of plants and insects in South Africa.- Chapter 8: Stewardship: an anthropocentric misnomer.- Chapter 9: Social engagement to redress the banality of evil and the frontiers of justice: Limitations of the social contract to protect habitat and why an international law to prevent the crime of ecocide matters.- Chapter 10: From polarisation to multispecies relationships: re-membering narratives.- Chapter 11: Vignette: Why thinking matters: constructivism, relationships and the performative universe.- Chapter 12: Responsibly and Performatively researching multispecies relationality.- Chapter 13: City life in Vietnam: Autoethnographic reflection and application of Nussbaums's ten capabilities.- Section 2: Reframing and Re-claiming the commons through a-Priori and aposteriori approaches.- Chapter 14: Social and environmental justice: the legacy of Structured Democratic Dialogue and the potential of Pathways to Wellbeing.- Chapter 15: Social engagement to protect multispecies habitat: implications for re-generation and food security.- Chapter: 16 Educational curriculum and multispecies relations.- Chapter 17: The potential of eco-facturing: Towards social and environmental justice through vocational education and training.- Chapter 18: From Eduation as usual to creating a post national learning community.- Chapter 19: The co-laboratory of democracy archetypes: Engaging stakeholders in deliberative democracy to respond proactively to diversity.- Section 3: Case Studies and Vignettes: Loss, Hope and Common Ground.- Chapter 20: McIntyre-Mills, J. The Greta factor: turning point and need for transformative research.- Chapter 21: Gender Quotas in Local Government: Implications for Community-Climate Action in Bangladesh.- Chapter 22: Balancing the interests of wildlife and humans resulting in sustainable ecotourism: the case of Boabeng-Fiema monkeys' sanctuary, Ghana.- Chapter 23: Agent Orange, Women of the Resistance and Reproductive Rights: a tale of deliberate human and environmental devastation in Vietnam.- Chapter 24: Reflection on the Changing Role of Women in a Post Disaster Environment, Central Sulawesi Indonesia.- Chapter 25: Vignette: At the margins.- Chapter 26: Biopolitics and food security to protect social and environmental justice.- Chapter 27: Vignette: Cannibalising the South Pacific.- Chapter 28: Systemic Praxis: narratives on steps towards re-generation.- Chapter 29: Crisis: what crisis?.- Chapter 30 Vignette: Creating Common Ground.-Chapter 31: Advancing a modern ethos for oneness with all life through archaic story title.-Chapter 32: Vignette: Relationships, narrative and memory.- Chapter 33: Vignette: Knackered, 'We are all flesh'.- Chapter 34: Vignette: Emergence, Regeneration and hope in the context of extinctions?.- Chapter 35: Objectifying intersubjectivity for a scientific (re)volution through inclusion.- Chapter 36: Natural Inclusiveness.- Chapter 37: Voices from below for social and environmental justice.







定價:100 9279
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