Fluir En Los Negocios: Liderazgo Y Creación En El Mundo de la Empresa
作者:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Desde que Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi public?su revolucionario libro Fluir, que inspir?a dirigentes pol癃icos mundiales, tales como Tony Blair y Bill Clinton, se ha ido generando un nuevo paradigma en el mundo empresarial Mientras que todav燰 algunos directivos siguen siendo v獳timas de su codicia unilateral, los l獮eres realmente inteligentes y con visi鏮 de futuro construyen objetivos que no s鏊o les beneficien a ellos, sino tambi幯 a los dem嫳. En una era en que los negocios y el trabajo ocupan el lugar de la religi鏮 y la pol癃ica, Fluir en los negocios revela c鏔o los directivos empresariales, los gerentes, e incluso los empleados, pueden hallar su manera de "fluir" y de este modo contribuir, no s鏊o a su propia felicidad, sino tambi幯 a una sociedad m嫳 justa y creativa. Csikszentmihalyi identifica los factores esenciales para el funcionamiento de un negocio fluido: la confianza, el compromiso, el crecimiento personal de los empleados y la dedicaci鏮 a la creaci鏮 de un producto que ayude a la humanidad. Fluir en los negocios es pues un texto indispensable para todo aquel que valore las contribuciones de los individuos en el cambiante mundo de la empresa. Ever since Mihaly Csiksenzentmihalyi published his revolutionary book, Flow, it has influenced world leaders like Tony Blair and Bill Clinton, and it has begun to shift the paradigm in the world of business. While some leaders continue to be victims of unilateral greed, intelligent leaders envision brighter futures and work towards objectives that benefit everyone.
In an era in which work and business now occupy the places that religion and politics once held, Flow reveals how business leaders, managers, and employees can find a way to "flow". It teaches contribution, not only toward their own happiness, but toward a more just and creative society. Csiksenzentmihalyi identifies the essential factors that can help a business become functional: confidence, commitment, personal growth of employees and the dedication to creating a product that helps humanity. Flow in Business is an invaluable asset about the importance of individual efforts in the ever-changing world of business.
In an era in which work and business now occupy the places that religion and politics once held, Flow reveals how business leaders, managers, and employees can find a way to "flow". It teaches contribution, not only toward their own happiness, but toward a more just and creative society. Csiksenzentmihalyi identifies the essential factors that can help a business become functional: confidence, commitment, personal growth of employees and the dedication to creating a product that helps humanity. Flow in Business is an invaluable asset about the importance of individual efforts in the ever-changing world of business.