The Palgrave Handbook of International Communication and Sustainable Development
出版社:Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
作者:Muhammad Jameel Yusha'u(EDI)
規格:23.4cm*15.6cm*3.4cm (高/寬/厚)
:NT$ 22039 元若需訂購本書,請電洽客服 02-25006600[分機130、131]。
Part 1: Introduction: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives1. Communication for Sustainable Development in the Age of COVID-192. The Sustainable Development Goals: A Major Reboot or Just Another Acronym?3. SDG18-The Missing Ventilator: An Introduction to the 2030 Agenda for Development4. Communication for Sustainable Development and Blue Growth: Towards New Theoretical and Empirical Directions 5. A Buddhist Approach to Participatory Communication and Sustainable Development: A Case Study from Lao PDR6. Between Rights and Diversities: Can the Regulation of Communication Help Prevent Climate Change and Promote Sustainable Development?7. Islamic Finance for SDGs: A Mirage? Part 2: Communicating the Global Goals8. Community Learning Centre as a Promising Medium for Promoting Sustainable Development Goal 4: Lifelong Learning9. Communicating Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Evaluation of Education Experiences and Proposals for Teachers' Orientation10. Media, Literacy and Education: Partners for Sustainable Development11. The Paradox in Discourse and Praxis of Gender Equality: A Communicative Framework for Sustainable Development12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: An Analytical Overview of Indian Experience (2000-2019)13. Fostering Gender-Sensitive Programming and Practices Among Community Radios in India: The Road Ahead14. Miscommunication of Harms? A Critique of SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Implementation in the Food Sector in Northern Ireland15. Fake News and SDG16: The Situation in Ghana16.Communication for Sustainable Social Change and the Pursuit of Zero Hunger: The Food Sovereignty Language Frame17. Internet Philanthropy as China's 'Digital Solution' to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Policies, Practices, Politics and Critique18. Facts Aren't Enough: Addressing Communication Challenges in the Pollinator Crisis and BeyondPart 3: International Communication, Journalism and Sustainable Development19. Egyptian TV Coverage of the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Egypt Vision 203020. SDG #3: Communicating "Health for All" in German-Speaking Countries as Exemplified by HIV/AIDS Advertising Campaigns21. Global Communication and Sustainable Development: From the Earth Summit in Rio 1992 to the Olympic Games in Rio 201622. A Comparative Analysis of American and Chinese News Media Coverage of Climate Change Issues over the Period 2007-201523. Running Ahead: Trump's Presidency and Climate Change Discourses. Has Trump's Presidency Changed Climate Change Discourses?: A Text Mining Analysis of Newspaper Contents in the United States24. Communicating Development: News Coverage of the SDGs in the Nigerian Press25. Selected Journalists' Role Perception Towards Achieving Agenda 2030 in NigeriaPart 4: Conclusion26. Beyond the SDGs: From 2030 to 2050 Agenda for Development.