Therapeutic Antibodies: Methods and Protocols

Therapeutic Antibodies: Methods and Protocols


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1. Therapeutic Antibodies: An Overview

Gunnar Houen

2. Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases with Therapeutic Antibodies: Lessons Learned from PID Patients Allow for Stratification of the Infection Risk

Joyce J.B.C. van Beers and Jan G.M.C. Damoiseaux

3. B-Cell Analysis for Monitoring Patients Undergoing B-Cell Depletion for the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases

Jan G.M.C. Damoiseaux, Joyce van Beers, Matthias Busch, and Pieter van Paassen

4. Assessment of Therapeutic Antibody Developability by Combinations of In Vitro and In Silico Methods

Adriana-Michelle Wolf Perez, Nikolai Lorenzen, Michele Vendruscolo, and Pietro Sormanni

5. The Therapeutic Antibody Profiler for Computational Developability Assessment

Matthew I.J. Raybould and Charlotte M. Deane

6. Short Read-Length Next-Generation DNA Sequencing of Antibody CDR Combinations from Phage Selection Outputs

Landon Pastushok, Kris Barreto, and C. Ronald Geyer

7. Large Scale Transient Production in ExpiCHO-STM with Enhanced N-Galactosylation-Sialylation and PEI-Based Transfection

Xiaotian Zhong, Ashley Schwab, Weijun Ma, Caryl L. Meade, Jing Zhou, Aaron M. D' Antona, Will Somers, and Laura Lin

8. Production of Therapeutic Single-Chain Variable Fragments (ScFv) in Pichia pastoris

Laia Montoliu-Gaya and Sandra Villegas

9. Purification of Therapeutic Antibodies by Protein A Affinity Chromatography

Anurag S. Rathore and Sharad Narnaware

10. Ion Exchange Chromatographic Methods for Purification of Therapeutic Antibodies

Anurag S. Rathore and Vishwanath Hebbi

11. Structure-Indicated LC-MS/MS Bioanalysis of Therapeutic Antibodies

Noriko Iwamoto and Takashi Shimada

12. Use of PASEF for Accelerated Protein Sequence Confirmation and De Novo Sequencing with High Data Quality

Detlev Suckau, Waltraud Evers, Eckhard Belau, Stuart Pengelley, Anja Resemann, Wilfred Tang, K. Ilker Sen, Elsa Wagner, Olivier Colas, and Alain Beck

13. Nano-Microscopy of Therapeutic Antibody Aggregates in Solution

Yukako Senga, Toshihiko Ogura, Hiroshi Imamura, and Shinya Honda

14. Measuring Self-Association of Antibody Lead Candidates with Dynamic Light Scattering

Fabian Dingfelder, Anette Henriksen, Per-Olof Wahlund, Paolo Arosio, and Nikolai Lorenzen

15. Intact Mass Quantitation of Therapeutic Antibodies for Pharmacokinetic Studies Using Immuno-Purification

Lisa A. Vasicek, Daniel S. Spellman, and Kevin P. Bateman

16. Detection of Residual Host







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