Innovations in Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future

Innovations in Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future


:NT$ 12759 元
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Part I: Biotechnology Overview

1. Introduction

Naga Raju Maddela*, Luz Cecilia Garc燰

2. Biotechnology of 21st Century

Aline Siteneski, Gilberto Vizkino

Part II: Industrial Biotechnology

3. Considerations on the Scaling of biological and chemical reactors

Rodriguez Rico Ivan Leandro

4. Design of a cultivation media for the production of metabolites with practical application in the biodegradation of industrial dyes

Daza Lopez Erlinjka Valentina*, Rosero Delgado Ernesto Alonso, Vera Bravo Peter Leonel

5. Obtaining and characterizing new biomaterials based on starch, for use in the food and health industry

L鏕ez Ter嫕 Jorge Luis*, Maribel Beltr嫕, Juan Carlos Soriano, Elvia Cabrera

6. Influence of immersion time in pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) proteolytic enzyme solutions on the texture of bovine meat

Zambrano Flores Freddy Miguel*, Pazmi隳 Castro Anderson Javier, Zambrano Flores Freddy Miguel

7. Determination of free amino acids in fermented and toasted cocoa (Theobroma cacao) samples, using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection by diode arrangement

Brunetto de Gallignani Maria del Rosario*, Gallignani M嫞imo, Orozco Wendy, Delgado Yelitza

8. Characterization of cassava and bee wax residues for their use in the obtaining of bioplastic

Briones Mu隳z Joselin Sofia*, Riera Mar燰 Antonieta

9. Development of a thermoplastic material from the residues of the banana (Musa paradisiaca)

Maura Gabriela Alc癉ar Gavilanes*, Katiuska Lisette Carrillo Anchundia, Mar燰 Antonieta Riera

Part III: Agricultural Biotechnology

10. Chemical ecology and its role in the conservation of threatened species: a case study in the Galapagos islands

Alejandro E. Mieles Garc燰

11. Energy evaluation of solid biofuels made from mixtures of lignocellulosic biomass

Palacios Bravo Holger Eugenio*, Beltr鏮 Vinces Irene, Rosero Delgado Ernesto

12. Reforestation and conservation of vegetable germ plasm: challenges and expectations

Georgina Vargas Sim鏮, Divisi鏮 Acad幦ica de Ciencias Biol鏬icas

13. Characterization of Moniliophthora roreri evans and evaluation of biological control alternatives in cacao (Theobroma cacao), for the Ecuadorian amazon

Carina Carrera Sanchez Carina Mar燰

14. Application of biotechnology to the search and selection of PGPR in the control of phytosanitary problems in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and banana (Musa acuminata)

Canchignia Martines Ahyron Fabrico

15. Sustainability of organic quinoa cultivation (Chenopodium quinoa) in communities of colta Ecuador.

Julio Cesar Vargas, Alexandra Torres

16. Effects of artificial light intensity and temperature on the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa l.) in a vertical urban farm in low cost indoor

M. C. Daniel Fuentes Morales

17. Efficiency of led lights in the propagation and field of summer flowers in Ecuador

Elizabeth Ruth Urbano Salazar

Part IV: Environmental Biotechnology

18. Evaluation of extraction methods to obtain a natural flocculant from the tamarind seed (Tamarindus indica)

Sanchez Mendoza Virginia Annabelt*, Loor Moreira Caroline, Lucas Mendoza Ariana, Moreira Mendoza Carlos

19. Bicomponent adsorption of Brilliant blue FCF and tartrazine under dynamic conditions using rice husk

Fern嫕dez Andrade Kevin Jhon*, Gonzalez Vargas Mar燰 Cristina.

20. Kinetic approach to the biocoagulation process of mixtures of Moringa ole璗era and Caesalpinia spinosa in synthetic turby water.

Caroline Lisset







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