Dynasty of Rulership (Biblical)

Dynasty of Rulership (Biblical)


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Rulership begins with God, He is Almighty, Sovereign, All-powerful, and All-knowing, he had existed even before the world began; he had been even before man came to
being. He created man in his image and likeness and gave him dominion over all things he
had created; he made him a king, a ruler over territory and places, he wanted man to be as he is,
he wanted them to fill the earth and multiply, subdue it and be in charge even as rules the heavens. He wanted man to be a steward, a faithful one to who he could delegate his authority so
he can rule on earth as it is in heaven which some had failed to understand, they have left the
heavenly command, the kingdom principles, the laws, and precepts which enable them to rule like
God, think like God, and behave like God. The devil wants to claim superiority and dominion
over this territory of the earth after he and his agents were sent down, he had to make man sin, to
desire to be like God, and to get satisfaction from the things of this world, the lust of the eye, and
the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
The man had forgotten his root and has decided to act as he wants, he had removed his
dependence on God, his will, his command, and laws, man has neglected his principles and
set his own, he has forsaken the One who is, who was and who is to come. A man carries the spirit
of God inside of him, he has God in him and can possess the qualities of God but sin, the desires
of the flesh make one not remain in God's presence. We are to live in God's presence daily,
living in the spirit, desire the things of the spirit, and act as the spirit of God would want us to.
The world is full of so many distractions, enticement that the devil has caused on mankind, those
who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, because the man was born
into sin and lived in sin, he was sent out of God's presence and did as the flesh want and it is until man reconciles himself back to God that he would live in the spirit, the nature of God and have dominion over the earth, powers, principalities, and rulers in dark places







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