The Beginning: The Truth that has been Revealed

The Beginning: The Truth that has been Revealed


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Truth is a revelation, a mystery, a secret that people are not living on, they desire to live a life that makes them very comfortable and not worried about anything. They desire to enjoy life and to make sure everything they desire comes to them but they are not in point with the reality of that life because they have not understood God's plans and intentions for their life. They have been living on what they see, what the world tells them, and what people say to them; they don't know God's plan or intention for their life, they don't have a relationship with him and they don't even know his word for their life. The beginning has revealed truths that are unknown to some, it has served as secrets, principles that have made some continue into which has brought results to them. Man is in a quest for truth, solutions to their problem, the reason why some things are but some have decided to find it through a wrong source or means which has not brought about any positive result. This book reveals the truth that has been given to man which is from the beginning, from creation until his last days on earth. The intention of God's plan for mankind, his will and purpose for their life; the delegation of his authority and power he had given to man, and how he wants man to be accountable unto the purpose he had given to him; how God desires that man be fruitful, blessed, favored an increase in all that he does; how he had given him the earth has its territory to gain dominion over it and rule it as it is in heaven by living a life free from sin through the righteousness that comes from Christ and God's desire that we remain with him in eternity. Man needs to go back to the beginning, to the point of creation where everything started so they can know God's will for their life. Has one desire to follow this truth that had been revealed in the beginning, speak it, believe it, and apply every of its principle, they would attract positive results that will speak great testimonies in their life so they can live a fulfilled life in Christ and the life God had destined for every one of his children. Lack of knowledge makes people ignorant of the promises and plans of God for their life which makes them continue to remain where they are but truth applied brings results.







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